Wilfred Bevans

Author's posts

Final paper: Will Microchip Implant be the Future of Technology ?

Wilfred Bevans Will Microchips Implants be the Future of Technology?   The next big thing in digital media could possibly be microchips. Not just any ordinary microchips, microchips that are implanted into humans I’m talking full blown Bourne Identity. A quick definition of microchips implant is basically a ID device or a RFID transponder which …

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Apps and Digital Currency

“Bitcoin: The Currency of the Future?” Bitcoin could be the future of currency. However, I think digital currency that’s govern like credit wills till be in the future as well, the good thing about Bitcoin is that it’s untraceable. Its like cash its just a transaction with no name and no other personal information to …

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Open Source Media

“Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue” the author spoke on the importance of open source. The great thing about open source is that no singular person owns it, it is a collection of people who have a common goal and giving contributions to that goal. One of the biggest Operating systems is Linux, free software has …

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Post Digital Marketing & Public Relations Group project by Wilfred, Jason and Gloria

Gloria’s response: “Our Digital Marketing &Public Relations Group Project was very informative and engaging. The dynamics of our group consisted of Brains, Personality, and Creativity. Collectively we did an amazing job in gaining, informing while sustaining our classmate’s attention. Wilfred did a wonderful job with the Digital Marketing &Public Relations PowerPoint slides. The slides were …

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Class Activity (Wilfred, Gloria, Jason)

Class Activity Outline: The class will divide into two groups, each group is assigned a product. The first task will consist of product naming and developing a packaging ideas. Next is understanding the brands while researching the competitors. Then development of a marketing strategy that will help promote the brand into major marketing profit worldwide. …

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The Internet and Social Media

“Reclaiming Our (Real) Lives from Social Media” The author made a real valid point on how time consuming social media can be. It’s so bizarre on how much we consume from it and how much it takes away from what we can actually be doing. I know a lot of people who are victim to …

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Digital Marketing and Public Relations

First reading “How Internet Marketing Will Affect Various Industries in 2015” Good point the author brought up is making a social media page of fall behind. Companies have to understand, that in order to reach out to a wide demographic they need to reach out to a place where everyone is on. The older audience …

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Electronic Games and Entertainment – Where are they going?

First reading “A theory of Fun for Game Design” I agree with the direction of the author, where I feel there not enough learning of video games, on how they work and how to create one yourself. This cycle should change and I think this learning will be very intuitive for younger generations. “With the …

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Film and Digital Television

First reading “The Future of TV Isn’t Apps. We Need All Our Channels in One Place” I can agree with somewhat of the authors complaints, as in new media becoming the holy grail of TV/entertainment. Maybe not at the moment but new media is making a big impact on the way TV is delivered and …

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Music and Streaming Services

“Apple to Pay $3 Billion to Buy Beats” Apple made smart investments on teaming up and buying Beats electronics and music. Even-though beats headphones may be over priced they are number 1 when it comes to selling headphones, but the quality if Beats are not the best, they’re good but just not the price they …

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