Jason Williams

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  1. Film & Digital Television — 1 comments
  2. Digital Media — 1 comments
  3. Open Source Media — 1 comments

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Will Microchip Implants Be The Future Of Technology?

    Jason Williams   Will Microchip Implants be the Future of Technology?   Microchip implants will be the next big thing in digital media. What are microchip implants in humans? They will be in the form of a grain of rice sized RFID “Radio Frequency Auto-ID” data collection system that would use RF waves …

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(No title)

In the First article “Mashups: The New Breed of Web App” It gave me an insight to another type of mashup when the author spoke about mapping, video, shopping etc. I like the the whole idea of the shopping mashup due to the fact most of my important shopping (sneakers) is done online. In 1+1+1=3 …

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(No title)

The Mobile Browser Is Dead Long Live The App It’s no surprise that people are going through mobile apps over a browser. This day and age people want instant gratification and the less clicking they have to do, the better. Out of 2 hours and 42 minutes only 22 of those minutes are spent in …

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Open Source Media

Open Source software could be a good thing, number 1 it’s free so you don’t have to pay for it. I know that this example wasn’t brought up but I think this could be great when it comes to “Sneaker Bots” If people could collaborate on how to make a sneaker bot better and when I …

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Digital Media

For the first article “How Internet Marketing will affect various industries in 2015” I do agree that social media is the most effective way to build your brand and get it out there amongst the masses. For example “Check out my channel Mr Orchard Beach on Youtube and hit that subscribe button!” No but seriously if …

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(No title)

  In 2016 Social media can translate into pretty much everything you do throughout your day if you want to be that vocal. Social media is the best interaction as well these days, especially when you meet and connect with people that share your same interests, goals, etc. (NO NOT JUST DATING) In the Article …

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Electronic Games & Entertainment. Where are they going?

I first read 16 trends that will define the future of video games by Keith Stuart & Jordan Erica Webber. This was a pretty informative read, They started of talking about games that got parents involved and then merged to games that got physical, to me that meant that the gamer is not just sitting …

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Film & Digital Television

“The Future of TV Isn’t Apps. We Need All Our Channels in One Place” by Gary Miller was dead on! I personally use the Apple TV to watch Netflix and my amazon fire stick that is jailbroken to watch movies and television shows unless I want to use the xfinity app that my cousin allows …

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How is digital media changing the music industry?

First off, it has changed the way we purchase music. I could sit here and say that in general people do not purchase cd’s, tapes, or vinyl anymore but it is deeper than that. You have companies like apple that are making deals with artists in a way to get that “cool factor.” I know …

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Loss Of Books

In the Loss of Books reading, I kind of got lost with all of the hypertext talk and the work shops and the way my A.D.D. is set up once I got back into the reading and is talked about; “Thus one day we might find a man and woman encountering each other in the …

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