Monica Flores

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  1. Electronic Games and Entertainment — 1 comments
  2. Marketing — 1 comments
  3. Class Activity: Apps and Digital Currency — 1 comments

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Electronic Media Within today’s society there is constant debate over the emergence of technology and whether it provides benefits or disadvantages among individuals who use it. It’s important to note that due to the modernization of technology we as a species have been able to sustain life farther than expected. Unfortunately, due to the self-negligence …

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Class Activity: Apps and Digital Currency

1. What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish. For this Class Assignment, my partner and I wanted the class to understand the impact and role an app can play in adding convenience and entertainment to one’s lifestyle. As an effort …

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How does marketing shift in the digital world? As technology begins to advance, the spectrums among the internet does as well. As this occurs, companies become more diligent in promoting their products as we travel along the web, use our phones, and sign into our social media accounts. Ultimately advertising is vast…and a bit intrusive. As seen in this …

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Internet and Social Media

Is everyone online social? What does it mean to be online in 2016? Within today’s society there is constant debate over the emergence of technology and whether it provides benefits or disadvantages amongst individuals who rely on it. It’s important to note that due to the modernization of technology we as a species have been …

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Electronic Games and Entertainment

Electronic Games and Entertainment – Where are they going? Upon the emergence of gaming, it’s structure was relatively tedious and straight forward. In comparison to gaming in the past to now, we are given a vast array of playfield, stories and force projections as seen in the diagram above. ie. note the comparison to space …

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Film and digital televsion

How has digital distribution and production effects film and television culture? The television experience is slowly diminishing. Now with the assortment of carry on devices such as tablets and phones, the usual norm of having being seated in a living room  is rare. Television culture consists of sharing a show with either your family or …

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Music and streaming services

How is digital media changing the music industry? In this day of age, it seems as if in order to hear good quality music..we are obligated to subscribe to a live streaming service. Not only are consumers feeling such transtions, but the artist themselves are obligated to conform to the corporatocracy of digital media among …

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Loss of Books

Ultimately, libraries should be seen as a vital contributor to accessible and free education to all. For years libraries have been a safe haven for those who unfortunately don’t have a suitable setting to study or who are unable to afford books or computers that will help them greatly with their studies. In low income …

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