Sasha Pineda

Most commented posts

  1. The Effects of Media Culture — 4 comments
  2. Print vs Electronic Media — 1 comments
  3. Music Streaming — 1 comments
  4. Social Media — 1 comments
  5. Viral Marketing — 1 comments

Author's posts

Print vs Electronic Media

With each new development of technology, the old becomes obsolete the same can be said for books. With the invention of eBooks, bookstores and libraries are becoming things of the past.  After reading the articles I can get a better sense of why print books are becoming more and more out dated, which to me …

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The Effects of Media Culture

Media has affected us by its advancement; because media is ever changing we have to change along with it. Now that media is virtually all around us it we need to keep up with the intake of all that extra information, as well as try to keep up with a generation who are more advanced …

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