Emmanuel Adu Poku

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  1. Electronic Games and Entertainment — 1 comments
  2. Open Source Media — 1 comments

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Final Project

Emmanuel Adu Poku Professor Jonah Brucker Cohen MCS 214 Final Project   The effect on technology in our world today is at an increasingly pace. This revolution is so great to the extent that, it affects virtually everything we see around us. There are several positive factors this new evolution has done to us as …

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Mashups and Web 2.0

Mashups according to Duane Merrill a freelancer explains it as “an exciting genre of interactive Web applications that draw upon content retrieved from external data sources to create entirely new and innovative services”. This new kind of internal and external data sources combining content over the web shows how the world is transforming through the …

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Final Project Pitch

What is Hover Taxi? Hover Taxi is a commercial driverless electric vehicle that flies at a constant altitude; above the ground similarly uses techniques automobile employs. The only difference is that; it cannot be operated without an App. Users will have to download the App online which comes with a monthly fee for the services …

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Apps and Digital Currency

Ewan Spence’s “The mobile Brower is Dead, Long Live The App” touched on some basic statistics as to how “Users are turning away from the browser and relying on applications. Anyone who relies on reaching out to users should be paying attention to these numbers, and have a strategy to deal with the app issue”. …

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Open Source Media

Yochai Benkler’s and Helen Nissenbaum’s “Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue” discussed the vital essence about open sources. “Facilitated by the technical infrastructure of the Internet, the hallmark of this socio-technical system is collaboration among large groups of individuals, sometimes in the order of tens or even hundreds of thousands, who cooperate effectively to provide information, …

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Digital Marketing and Public Relations

Marketing strategies over the few years have twisted from its traditional way to that of digital marketing. Digital marketing has become a top priority for marketers. “According to a survey of marketing executives by Gartner, Inc. The survey also found that marketing budgets increased 10 percent in 2015, with 61 percent of respondents saying they …

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The Internet and Social Media

The prevalence of the use of the internet in our world today is really incredible. The internet is becoming one of the fastest growing medium as far as free flow of information globally is concern. Third world countries like my own country Ghana, not too long ago lacked access to high speed internet. Today, the …

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Electronic Games and Entertainment

Modern games can be an example of digital media product. Modern Video games as a source of entertainment has being extremely impressive as far digital media is concern. Unlike previous years where video games were codified on some memory cartridges, today video games are made in high definition (3Ds), second life and can easily be …

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Film and Digital Television

“The future of TV Isn’t Apps. We Need All Our Channels in one Place” is the caption Gary Myer gave to his article. When I read this article, it sounded to me Gary Myer seems getting worried and complaining about how completely TV has changed. According Gary, “Since the launch of Apple TV in 2006, …

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Music Industry Changing

Jacob Kastrenakes’s story caption “Apple Music may not steal you from Spotify, but it can still win the streaming battle” in my opinion is the reality in our world today. I personally admire the business strategies and competition in our world of commerce today. There are several promotions companies like apple for example use to …

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