Joseph Reneau

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  1. Music and Streaming Services — 3 comments
  2. The Loss of Books, Newspapers & Magazines — 1 comments

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If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a hologram is worth a million. A Hologram “is a photographic technique that records the light scattered from an object, and then presents it in a way that is three dimensional” (Workman). Two dimensional displays are becoming boring in our world which consists of arguably, multiple …

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Digital Marketing and Public Relations

Marketing has changed from trying to make Ads visible to a large number of people to being able to knowing who your demographic is and being able to target them directly. You can’t google something without seeing an Ad about that exact product thanks to Google AdSense. Also, social media is such a great tool …

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The Internet and Social Media

I think social media is a great tool. It just has to be used with caution. If there are aspects of your life you don’t want your employer knowing, then it is safe to say you shouldn’t post it. This is the message that the article “The Web Means the End of Forgetting” was trying …

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Music and Streaming Services

I like the idea of Apple Music because they are trying to use Netflix’s model where you pay a monthly fee and get access to a lot of content. I think if you listen to music a lot it makes sense, just like how it makes sense to have Netflix if you are a binge …

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The Loss of Books, Newspapers & Magazines

The reading about libraries humbled me and made me thankful that we do have libraries and public schools. Knowledge and education are tools that we use to get ahead, and it is hard to do this if you don’t have access to books and public school. I disagree that libraries have had their day, because …

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Effect of Media Culture

I can say from my own experience using the internet and social media, kids need to be guided when using them.  The problem was that many parents were not educated on how to guide their children to use these tools, because they did not grow up with them. You can’t fight an enemy you don’t …

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