Dexter Thomas-Payne

Author's posts

Final Paper: Cardsynergy

The next big thing in digital media is going to come in many forms. It could be happening right now, for all we know. Technology surrounds us these days and its capabilities have changed the way we do things. From everyday interactions, to business, to travel to finance. With the brilliant idea coming right around …

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The Internet and social media

In 2016, everyone online is social whether they want to be or not. This is because everyone shares information on some level. You may not be social with actual people, but you’re still communicating with someone or something. The level and willingness of this exposure varies heavily. Kids these days don’t know the damage that …

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Digital media & the Music industry

The music industry, like the rest of us, has been forced to change with the developments and succes of digital media. Some ways are more subtle than others, but it is change nonetheless. While most of us are familiar with iPods and the glory that is downloading music, such luxury comes at a cost. The …

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Loss of Books and Print Media

Books hold a dear place in my heart, but I, like many others, are a dying breed. Sad as that may be, it was the inevitable outcome following the dawn of the internet. The names of these articles had me worried at first. I imagined some sort of quasi-Fahrenheit 451 type world, where my attachment would …

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The effects of Media culture

Media’s effects on us as a society have been profound. It seems to have infiltrated almost every aspect of our lives, especially when it comes to the way we connect with each other. Social media has taken the place of personal interaction. While increasing our ability to obtain information, it also decreases our attention spans, …

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