Author's posts
May 13
Gaming 2000-2015: How has Present Gaming Transcended into the Future? (Final Paper)
Gaming in this time period reached a new millennium. Better Graphics, better control, stronger gaming ideas, and advanced digital development. These aspects in this time period of gaming have lead to a more realistic feel to games. Illustrations have also improved drastically due to advanced software development over these years alone. Everything is no longer …
Apr 15
Have Mobile Apps Replaced Mobile Web?
Mobile apps have been the new attraction of this generation. Their simple and easy to navigate and can easily just be removed. Apps are also the new source of accessing information. The Web on the other hand does not erase your info. It is much more of a hassle to find access to information because …
Mar 31
Internet Marketing, Public Relations and Viral Marketing
Internet marketing has become the new flavor of selling, producing and promoting products and businesses and it’s brand developments. The way marketing shifts in the digital world depends on how you promote your franchise/business and what aspects of social media do you dig in to. Digital marketing shifts depending how well the product is promoted. …
Mar 18
Is Social Media the new way of life?
This generation is heavily impacted by the Internet worldwide but not everyone online is social. Some people commit crimes online, some are just bloggers and some just use social media to promote businesses or business products. I believe everyone is online because technology has advanced so much. To be online in 2016 is basically a …
Mar 11
Electronic Games and Gaming
The first reading spoke about the 16 trends that will define video gaming in the future. It started off by stating that 75 percent of today’s parents play video games with their children and that children aged 10 and under take most of their gaming ideas from their parents. I can agree with this because …
Mar 04
Is Television Going Extinct?
After reading these two articles, I’m neutral of the idea of television going away. Even with Apple TV, I still do not believe that television will go extinct. Due to the fact that apps have internal errors themselves, Television and Cable can survive but it won’t survive long. I also believe that 3-dimensional movies are …
Feb 19
The Loss Of Books, Magazines and Newspapers
Throughout time, Electronic Media has transended all over the world. It has set platforms for people to access information in the most quickest way. Electronic Media has advanced so much that print media such as books, magazines and newspapers are losing ground. Print Media is slowly going out of style because society has adapted more to …
Feb 03
The Effects Of Digital Media
Digital and Social Media has become the most common source of interactive activity in this generation. It is not only used by preadolescents and adolescents, it is used by many adults as well. The influence that digital and social media has given today’s youth and adults is tremendous yet harmful. According to the first article The …