Final Group Presentation Summary

What is the “next big thing” in digital media!

My group consisted of Jason, Emanuel, Wilfred and myself. I think we worked collectively to gather as much information for the group final presentation. RFID Microchip is not a subject that many people are familiar with. Honestly I remembered when I first heard of people actually being microchipped it was the concept was quite frightening. However, when the question was presented to me I knew right away that RFID microchip would be a great idea for our group final project. Once I mentioned it to Wilfred he was on board, and soon later our group expanded and Emanuel and Jason joined us. The dynamics of the group was perfect. Everyone chose two questions for the final project to research, and write about. Once completed Emanuel transferred everyone’s question and answers on to PowerPoint. As a group we add our own unique way of presenting our thoughts to our fellow classmates, Professor and our guest Professor. The challenging part for me was to get up in front of my peers, and professors to speak about an idea that I myself was very conflicted about. RFID microchip is a touchy subject, however I felt my group and myself explained all sides of this very controversial topic. We were fully aware some of our classmate would probably think that it is a crazy idea, and we could we fault them? The idea of having a microchip implanted into humans that can track their whole existence. Everything from medical, financial even their exact location can all be detected through this tiny implanted microchip. We knew our idea to have all humans microchipped would not sit well with everyone, however we were prepared with our facts, statics, and personal experiences. After all the researching I did on implanted microchip in humans, I am determined to have my 2year old Yorkie microchipped, because I could not image losing him God forbid. I know I would feel more comfortable knowing he can be tracked down immediately. I felt by sharing my personal feeling towards my dog, the class would see that microchips can in fact be helpful. The example is of a dog much less a whole human being. The numbers of people across the world that goes missing each year (83,000 to be exact) is alarming and frighten. We spoke about how many sex offenders could become monitored through implanted microchip, we also address the fact that many of the unsolved cases could now become easily solved due to human microchips.

Despite how our classmates may feel about RFID Microchip we wanted everyone to try place themselves in the shoes of a missing person’s family, although it is very difficult to understand someone’s pain unless you actually experience it for yourself. My group and myself spoke very honestly about the pros and cons of implanted microchip in humans. Although we may not have convinced the class of the need for RFID microchip I do believe we did leave them questioning the future of “the next big thing” in our digital world. Overall I think we did a great job researching, and presenting our idea.


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