Open Source


“Open-source software (OSS) is computer software with its source code made available with a license in which the copyright holder provides the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose. Open-source software may be developed in a collaborative public manner.” (Google)

Open source media may have an effect the way people approach content. For example, many say that Wikipedia isn’t a trustworthy site but it’s not like someone can literally just write anything they want on any Wikipedia content. Certain people are moderators of Wikipedia and anything you might want to change and/or add have to be approved by the moderators. With more contributions to a specific topic it helps out when trying to analyse that topic. You got more perspective towards that topic. It’s almost like a group project, but in this scenario you might not necessarily know the people that are contributing to the same topic as you.

I believe Open Source is a viable business model and can definitely be used more often for future business projects. It’s a great type of source to use wherever, whenever. With the use of Open Sources I feel like some people don’t trust certain content and rather not use that source to find their information. But I feel as if some people don’t know that there are moderators that have to approve content before it goes up on a website.

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