Digital Marketing

Marketing is the one of the major ways businesses and companies promote their products and get advertise their products. Over the years the marketing industry has welcomed many changes because of the advancement of the internet and social media. The new modification is called viral marketing. In Viral Marketing for the Real World, it says “the standard viral-marketing model is based on an analogy with the spread of infectious disease. It assumes that one starts with a seed of individuals who spread a message by infecting their friends, where the expected number of new infectious people generated by each existing one is called the ‘reproduction rate.’” The fast spreading of ideas is what makes marketing in the digital world much easier and more relevant than traditional marketing. People are more able to promote themselves and their products with things like Hotmail, YouTube, Facebook, Snapchat, etc. With the success of the digital marketing there comes responsibility to produce products that people want to buy because it is possible to get negative feedback that can damage the reputation of the brand. In the Key Viral Marketing Tactics Proven to Work, one of the key points is to “think outside of traditional marketing” which mean that you can’t just use a life-less image of the product, you need something that is interactive and will draw attention to what you want to sell because you are competing with in the digital world where things have to be brought to life to get a response.

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