There are pros and cons of virial marketing but one of the biggest is getting noticed by people and the industry you want to be in. lots of people want to be the next big thing and the way to do that is through the internet is a cat video or a song cover. In How Internet Marketing Will Affect Various Industries in 2015 John says Marketing has changed in a big way now with all the different types of media outlets and people are really becoming their own boss. In Viral Marketing for the Real World Watts sates that big industry companies now have to combat the new marketing medium because of all the self-promoters they are forced to pay more money for ads and campaigns. In 5 Key Viral Marketing Tactics Proven to Work Matthew Yeoman tells the readers about five different marketing tactics that would help an up and comer. From what I’ve been through in terms of marketing it can be very cut throat and demanding. I was a designer for a non-profit health care organization and the main goal was to keep our clinics doors open, so I was tasked with the job of making sure everything the interns produce is up to par with the VP of our department’s tastes. There was times where I didn’t leave the office until midnight because we had to have a certain kind of paper to print our designs on. I had to make sure that all the that things I designed was beautiful and better then our competition.
Apr 01
Hi Sasha,
You are right I totally agree with you. Viral Marketing indeed has its pros and cons. But I strongly believe any successful or business minded person will do a thorough research on its products even before trying to bring them on the market. Competition in digital marketing is very keen and the survivals are the fitters. Great work Sasha.