After Class Activity Report

Instagram GroupInstagram Logo

Snapchat GroupSnapchat Logo

Facebook GroupFacebook LogoTwitter GroupTwitter Logo

Q: What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.

A: We first divided the class into four groups and assigned each group with a social media network. We later asked each group to come up with a new logo/symbol for their specific assigned social media network. We wanted them to be unique and creative.


Q: Did you think it was successful?

A: I believe the class activity was very successful.


Q:. Did it achieve your implied goals?

A: Yes, it implied our goals, it seems like the class enjoyed drawing up some new logo’s for the social media outlets they might use everyday.


Q: What did you learn from the experience?

A: I learned that the Internet and Social Media outlets can better they’re logos and always upgrade to something better. I also learned that there’s so much to learn from on the Internet and Social Media, and there are many types of different social media outlets not just for social entertainment but for gathering and organizing information.


Q: How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?

A: This project can be taken further as a research tool as to find out more on the deep background of social networks and see how they came up and where their ideas came from. Results I would hope to achieve are how can one start a social media network and where do the funds, and ideas come from.


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