Having access to the internet is an important tool in our society. Being able to stay connected to society is something we can’t live without. With popular companies like Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, Goggle, etc… Knowing we can’t live without this tool, it brings a lot of competition between these companies. In the reading “Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network’s Plan to Dominate the Internet — and Keep Google Out” gives us inside news on what it is like to be a high grossing company and trying to buy out companies that they feel are a threat to their business in losing revenues.
Weather people know it or not everyone that goes online is social, maybe with a low percentage of people who are not but majority rules. When Facebook first started it was a site to stay connected with friends and family, skip to a few years later look at Facebook now, it’s like a news headquarters. You can now know what’s happening around the world in an instant without even turning on the television and people love Facebook for this idea because of the convenience it provides. Google on the other hand, who doesn’t have access features like Facebook does, goes toe to toe with them for the simple fact people can’t live without Facebook and Google and one company is bringing in more money than the other company.
To be social, in 2016 means keeping up with everything possible. To be social in today’s time is getting your opinion heard and wanting everyone to know who you are. Since Facebook uphold all the features, that’s why Google wants to take over.