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My activity was to split the class into three groups one group was the female gaming community, the second was the Indie gaming company, and the third was the Triple-A companies. Both gaming companies had to come up with 8 to 10 ideas that would bring more women into the gaming community.

In my opinion, the activity was a great success because everyone one interacted with one another and came up with great ideas, as well as had fun. That was the point of the activity to have fun while everyone comes up with ideas.

Yes, the goals for the activity were met perfectly.

I learned that even if people don’t game as much that they can still have fun coming up with ideas and working together to try to achieve a common goal.

To take this project forward, I would come up with a set of questions and see how many women game at Lehman. I would then have a set amount of games for them to play varying in a genre, difficulty, and platform. The I would have them play those games within a weeks time. Then after that, I would ask them a set of questions about their experiences with gaming.

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