In 16 trends that will define gaming the name is self-explanatory the writer gives us 16 different ideas about gaming in the future which I agree, children who are born from gaming parents will most likely become gamers themselves because they will be exposed to it all their lives. Children are exposed to gaming through the phone or tablet to keep them still and quiet. Games like Disney Infinity are using the use of toys to interact with the game. Every mobile game always asks the player to connect to social media to connect with friends that are playing the same game. The big one though is that indie games are out ranking the triple A games. Those games have better stories, graphics, are usually funded by fans and created by fans. Indie games I feel will soon be such strong contenders in the gaming scene that they will soon become the new triple A games. Indie games are so popular that triple-A game companies are emulating the style of the indie games.
In a theory of fun for game design, Raph Koster thesis states that gaming is not just something that we play, it can help us with our everyday life. In How a Videogame God Inspired a Twitter Doppelgänger — and Resurrected His Career Jason Tanz talks about Peter Molyneux and his rise within the gaming community.