The transition from console gaming to handheld gaming affects people by making the video game experience more personal and less affected by reality. The fact that handheld devices force users to look down consistently cuts them off from reality; users are not aware of what’s happening around them. Handheld devices can have custom designs and can be incorporated with fashion. Console gaming can be personal as well; however, it invites others in the room to want to play. For example, a console might be good for a family with multiple children and handheld games better suited for an only child. Handheld games have a more personal experience.
The article “A Theory of Fun for Game Design,” by Raphael Koster, gave insight about his book “A Theory Of Game Design – What Games Aren’t.” This article is comprised of appreciation letters to the countries that admire his work. He created a language that all game developers could understand. The concept of games is that they should be fun. Part of what inspired Koster to write the his book are his children and the concept “Games that are too hard kind of bore [him], and games that are too easy also kind of bore [him] (Koster,2013.)” Asking the question, why do we play games? Similar to learning a child learning a language, games are something that we naturally learn and capture our interest.
The article “16 trends that will define the future of video games”, by Keith Stuart and Jordan Erica Webber, gave perspective on the directions of the video game industry; in reference to annual developer conference. The videogame industry is expanding, leading to more ways to increase revenue and its role in popular culture. make money and increasing its role in popular culture. For example this is the first generation of parents, who have grown up playing video game, playing games with their children. “Through a recent survey of UK families, the channel found that 75% of parents they surveyed now play video games with their children, and that children aged 10 or undertake most of their gaming recommendations from their parents (Stuart & Webber, 2016).” Nintendo has been dominant in this field of gaming interest; however, the industry expects companies to test the field.