Electronic Games and Entertainment

Modern games can be an example of digital media product. Modern Video games as a source of entertainment has being extremely impressive as far digital media is concern. Unlike previous years where video games were codified on some memory cartridges, today video games are made in high definition (3Ds), second life and can easily be downloaded or access over the internet.

Keith Stuart and Jordan Erica Webber’s “16 trends that will define the future of video games” (The Guardian) touches several areas in modern video games I do also share similar opinion with them. For in instance, modern games create a social platform to sharing information among each other in an increasable pace. People with common goals and ideologies can come together to pursuit such common goals. For example, “smeet”. “A community is a group of people that is larger than a family or other small group and is held together by common resources, desires, interests, needs or beliefs. In the past, communities were almost always determined and limited by geography, i.e., they consisted of people who lived near each other. With the advent of the internet, however, people from different parts of the world have been able to form communities by sharing a virtual space!” (https://en.smeet.com/glossary/community/community)

“How a Videogame God Inspired a Twitter Doppelgänger — and Resurrected His Career” by Jason Tanz also gave his version about how each and every gamer have some sort of control or jurisdiction over his or her own affairs. “A game where if you touch the floor you die. The only way to progress is to kill enemies and use their bodies as platforms.” (Perter Molydeux, tweeter Nov 07 2011). This is an example as gamer how you choose to live whiles playing. In such games, your own live depends on you. Whatever you do determines your fate.

Personally, I think video games aside being a great source of entertainment in our daily life, it is also serving as a great educational device especially the youth. Even though, there are other areas that typically doesn’t associated with digital media. For example, health, schools, government etc. but now, all these areas are using the technologies that have some so sort of connection with games. Hospitals uses instruments that are designed similarly like a tool in a videogame etc. This is how far games is changing our lives daily. One adverse point I want to touch base on is the high rate of obesity. Excessive gaming without any other physical activity is causing a lot of health issues especially people living in developed countries like America. I think parents owe it a duty to check up with theirs kids to also connect to both spaces for a balance.





  1. I agree with your statements about video game innovations contributing to education with various simulations. Over all you have an informative entry and you covered all articles topics.

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