Film and TV

In the article the Future isn’t TV, it’s apps. We need all the channels in one place the writer is trying to get across that the TV world needs to evolve with the times. With all these different streaming options the ratings for TV have gone down. People don’t need to watch TV when they have access to Netflix and Hulu that lets them watch their favorite TV shows on the go. He describes that just because a person watches TV or that a company has a studio that it doesn’t make them experts. That in developing TV for a device like the PlayStation or the Xbox it’s still just another device that users have to interact with.  In the second article The Future of TV Is Here. Can Cable Survive? The writer goes on the history TV and how to survive the time that Cable TV has to change. I agree that TV has to change with the times even now Hulu, Netflix, and even Youtube are developing original content that is taking more and more viewers away from Cable TV. At the beginning of February, the BBC pulled Doctor WHO from Netflix and Hulu, not just the newer episodes, the older ones as well.  The articles that I have read about this say that the contract ran out, but I know that everyone who has Hulu waits until the next day to watch the episode, or if they have Netflix people will wait for the entire season to come out and never watch it on cable. I’ve mentioned this in class youtube has now gotten a bigger demographic because the content the company puts on there, and studio companies are becoming petty and striking channels for no reason. The channels get penalized for this; their monetization gets taken away as well as other features they have, it even goes as far as their channels taken down. There is a movement with YouTubers called where is the fair use which has all channels shining a light on this problem. I feel that if studios can work together that the future of TV could be saved.

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