Jacob Kastrenakes’s story caption “Apple Music may not steal you from Spotify, but it can still win the streaming battle” in my opinion is the reality in our world today. I personally admire the business strategies and competition in our world of commerce today. There are several promotions companies like apple for example use to attracts customers to its products. As the article made mention of, they give you few months to try a product for free which attracts almost every person to such product. There are also similar products or services like Pandora which equally works like Spotify and sometimes even better than apple streaming as far as the applications are concern.
The world has changed so drastically to embracing new technologies and services like streaming music for example. Not too long ago, music was made on compact disc (CDs). Now its rapidly fading out for new revolution (streaming). I think one of the reasons apple in particular, killed music on compact disc (CDs) business was its intention dominating the music market with its streaming services.
Brian Chen also in his article captioned, “Apple to Pay $3 Billion to Buy Beats” are evident enough how this streaming music are getting more roots in our world of music. I personally use Beat. I have two (2) different types; the beat studio, this type of beat cancels noise and I use this when Music on the train or bus and the solo when I am home relaxing. I think apple in its unique style of doing business, wants to overcome the music industry with superb business techniques and quality. To pay such huge sums of money to Beats, in my opinion, apple really mean business. I think such great business deals in the music and digital industries will strengthens apple’s monopolistic sense of business.