Music Streaming

In Apple Music may not steal you from Spotify, but it can still win the streaming battle, this article talks about the battle between the steaming programs like apple stream and Spotify. I for one do not like apple stream, sure you get three months free but like the article said its not enough to really get into it because of all the music out there. Where as with Spotify it’s available everywhere, I have it on my PS4 and I love it. Spotify is like another version of Pandora, I have playlist I can search and follow and those playlist will introduce me to other artists that is in the same type of genre as the artist I wanted to listen to. But unlike pandora Spotify has actual playlist for not only genres but for moods. Say your in an up beat mood Spotify has a playlist to match, or if you went through a breakup Spotify has a playlist for that. I actually see Spotify growing more I popularity because it’s free and you have a wide range of artists that not only famous but are indie for the world to discover. Apple to Pay $3 Billion to Buy Beats is about Apple buying beats bye dr dre. I personally have never used the beats headphones so I don’t know if they are good quality headphones, but I’ve seen my father use them and he goes through a pair a week so to me it feels like the quality once they got with Apple went down hill. My dad really likes the beats headphones says that when they first came out he really loved them but now he noticed that the quality went down and that Apple is making them wear down faster to make people buy more. Now the new iPhone won’t have a headphone jack it will only be Bluetooth and the phone will only be compatible with the beats headphones, which to me screams trap.
Music streaming demands new wave of licensing rules talks about just that, how with the high demand for streaming companies have to find ways of making money.


  1. Hi Sasha,
    I really like the competition in the music industry as far as streaming is concern It will really help the music industry to grow. one of the incredible business strategies apple in my opinion are great. For apple to pay such an incredible sums of money to beats show how it’s ready for capturing the customers attention for its products. I know in your submission you made mention of the fact that, you don’t use beats rather, your father does. In suggest you barrow it one of your leisure times and try it. You may love beats. I have two of them already and I really like it.

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