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After reading “Have Libraries had their day” I can genuinely say I gained a better understanding of Terry Deary views. I never really considered how Authors lose a big portion of their sells due to libraries offering readers free access to books. Terry Deary made it very clear, he is not attacking libraries but in fact the ‘concept behind libraries. His points were valid, he spoke of how often people purchase movie tickets, in others words if people were not given the option to borrow books they would surly purchase books to read. He also compared books to movies stating both are for “entertainment” and readers should pay to be entertained. Terry Deary also gave a very interesting analogy of how the car industry would “collapse” if consumers could go to “car library” to borrow Porsches for free. Further driving his point that Authors, Booksellers, and Publishers are losing major revenues due to library borrowing policies. What I found most shocking in this article is few Authors actually shared or even supported Terry Deary’s point of views. Authors such as Alan Gibbons who is a key figure in the “Save Libraries” campaign explains how his peers nor himself supports Terry Deary opinions or views and in fact they feel “utterly betrayed” by Terry Deary’s statements. In reading this article I was forced to reminisce on my younger days, I have so many great memories of times I spent in public libraries as a child. I remember going after school to the public library and sitting on the floor for hours reading so many different books by countless Authors. The best feeling was when I received my first library card, I felt like a grown up every time I would go to the checkout counter. Many of the amazing Authors I was exposed to as a child I would not had the opportunity to experience if my mom was required to purchase books for me as a child. Growing up in a single parent home like many of my peers, it was difficult for our parents to buy groceries much less purchasing books for our “entertainment” like Terry Deary called it. Libraries provides many great resources to the communities they service. Public libraries are filled with a wide range of reading selections to choose from, it is a place where readers of all ages can go to gain knowledge of any and everything from history to exploring their personal hobbies. After reading this article I can agree that both parties have legitimate arguments, however I strongly support Alan Gibbons “Save The Libraries” campaign because when I look back at my childhood, honestly I cannot image my life if I did not have access to knowledge aka the public libraries.

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