Rayshawn Parrilla
Over the years, new technology has progressed rapidly across the globe. We live in a modern age that revolves around electronics, computers and the internet. As we know the world is defined by information. Print media including books, magazines and newspapers are considerable values to the public many rely on as source for current events, entertainment, sports etc. Although print is considered as an affordable form of media in comparison to electronics, the amount of people who uses print publications is beginning to die out. The content in the digital world is increasing and electronic media has become the primary source familiar to the general public.
The concept of holding a book in your hands or flipping pages is considered old fashion to our generation. Despite many people argue the physical feel of a book or newspaper is real, it does not add up to the impact of new technology. In the real world, the article “The End of Books,” describes as cellular phones, computer networks and hyperspace,” many people are becoming computer savvy as well as tuned in with social media. People now intend to depend on social networks including face book, YouTube and twitter as a credible source for information. In addition, our younger generation would faster turn to their social networks for current news rather than a newspaper. It is easily accessible and more convenient to their standards. These social networks also consume a broader range of data that will fulfill different types of information needs. As electronic media expands our reach for quickly and instantly, allows us to access breaking news as it is currently taking place. Unlike print, it has a limited amount of information and does not update within minutes.
While many started off with print media, as technology expands they are more likely to cross over to electronic media. The use of books, magazines and newspapers are shrinking. It is evident, print media is struggling to remain relevant. According to the article “The End of Books,” “Hypertext is the next major shift in technology information after the development of books.” Within a few years, electronic media will over shadow print media due to its national and international appeal.