In the Loss of Books reading, I kind of got lost with all of the hypertext talk and the work shops and the way my A.D.D. is set up once I got back into the reading and is talked about; “Thus one day we might find a man and woman encountering each other in the hotel bar, working up some kind of sexual liaison, only to return a few days later and discover that one or both had sex changes” :End of Books by Robert Cooper. I’m thinking to myself “Where the hell are we going with this?” Ok…simple and sweet, the loss off books are a result of the new advances in technology that has been going on in society. It took me a while to fathom that a preacher would use a tablet to read from the Bible but at the end of the day does it really matter if the words come from a printer in Milwaukee or did he just download the Bible onto his tablet that conveys the same message. One reason that I believe people do not use books anymore is because of space, why would I have books all over the place like a hoarder when I could store them in a small device?
When it comes to the reading “Have Libraries had their Day” I feel they are no longer necessary as they were back in the day. The only time I go to the library is maybe to study and if I need to make copies, I do not even look at the book shelves anymore. As a matter of fact I can only tell you about the tables and the computers in Lehman’s library. To me libraries are novelties. I do agree with the author when he wrote about educational text books being free but how other types of books written should be sold and not just at a flat rate of profit for the author.I could sympathize with the writer because number 1 he broke it down to me in terms of $$$ when it comes to what an author makes by submitting his book to the library vice having it on book shelves. Even though I don’t know the full break down of what the rest of his associates (authors) get in perks or whatever on the back end, he might just be a visionary and he wants the rest of the authors out there to get out of their comfort zone and go after that MONEY!!!!!