The Loss of Books, Newspapers & Magazines

First reading “Libraries ‘Have Had Their Day’, Says Horrible Histories Author” Terry Deary argues that libraries are “no Longer relevant (Deary)”. I can say public libraries when it comes to novels may no longer be relevant because the internet made it much easier for users to get access on books. But, as for colleges libraries are pretty much needed, even-though we may use the online school library instead. But, the author also made another good point stating that since libraries has been servicing over 150 years of free novels, we naturally feel entitled to never have to pay for books. Which is true I myself when it comes to school text books first option always try to find the book for free, but I can also say the same about music and both are considered some form of entertainment. “I’m not attacking libraries. I’m attacking the concept behind libraries, which is no longer relevant (Deary)”. Libraries for me have created a great service, but I can also understand the authors argument there should have been a way to monetize and pay authors who books get used from the library, the found an alternative with music as far as streaming even-though like Tidal. Libraries can become more relevant in other fields I think in this day in age all public libraries need to revamp what service they are providing, especially trying to keep up with this technological world.


Second reading “The End of Books” the old way of reading is over thanks to hypertext, which is the new age of our culture in the aspect of literature, education, criticism and scholarship. Thoughts on this is books will eventually become an online only product. I’m sure not every book lover would be happy about this concept, this is part of the reason libraries and book stores are running out of business. I feel in the future Barnes & Nobles would be an Amazon version of ecommerce for books.


  1. Hey Wilfred,

    Great submission. You rarely see people flipping pages of books while riding on the trains or sitting comfortably at the park. most of the readings are done today on electronic devices like the smart phones, iPads,tablets, laptops etc. I think indeed the print have had their time. It is gradually losing grounds for the electronic media.

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