May 23, 2016 archive

Final Group Presentation Summary

What is the “next big thing” in digital media! My group consisted of Jason, Emanuel, Wilfred and myself. I think we worked collectively to gather as much information for the group final presentation. RFID Microchip is not a subject that many people are familiar with. Honestly I remembered when I first heard of people actually …

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How does marketing shift in the digital world?

According to the article “5 Keys Viral Marketing Tactics Proven to Work “by Matthew Yeoman “if your video, idea, blog , tweet, post or email does not contain some aspect of a brand message it isn’t viral marketing” I enjoyed reading this article because of the well explanation of why and how things go viral. …

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Long live the App

In “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live the App” by Ewan Spence addressed how times are changing and people are no longer using web browser like before. According to the article 14% of people still use web browsers. Although I still use web browser, google is my go to for everything. I usually use …

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Electronic Games And Entertainment ” What are they doing”

“According to Nickelodeon’s research, 34% of children under 11 have a tablet , and they are now trending to get their first smartphone as they enter secondary school” These statics is a far cry from my days growing up. I was never a “gamer” growing up. However, I did enjoy playing Pac Man and Mario …

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