Class 7: The Internet and Social Media
Personally, I don’t think everyone online is social. Some people use their Instagram or Facebook pages just to lurk and be creeps. I don’t even really use mine to be “social”. My page is more for showing events or outings that I plan. Other than posting pics of those things, you might not get a sense of who I am. To “be” online in 2016 means to be on social media, apps, or on the web continuously. People are online for most of the day. We spend up 12 hours or more on our phones daily so in some way we are always online.
The article “The Great Wall of Facebook,” talks about how Facebook uses your personal information to give to advertising, so that in turn more advertisers would buy into Facebook. People want Facebook to stay personal. Facebook is used more as a way to keep personal relationships from all over the world. Nobody wants it to turn into a television with thousands of commercials each minute.
In the article “The Web Means the End of Forgetting,” started off with a GREAT example of what some people are going through right now. A person shouldn’t be judged on something they did in their private life from years ago, as long as it didn’t harm anyone. Employers are denying a lot of applicants with this new mandatory background checking of your social media pages. Searching of the web will mean the end of forgetting!! Nothing you do online goes away. Yes it will make people more aware of their personal actions, but it will also take the fun out of having fun. Imagine having to make sure every picture you take is perfect or doesn’t offend a potential job you haven’t even tried to apply to. Who wants to live life like that?