Class 10- Apps & Digital Currency

CLASS 10: Apps & Digital Currency

Apps are changing the way we experience media by making it easier and more efficient to use your phone. In the article “The Mobile Browser is Dead, Long Live the App,” I would have to agree with the author when he states “Users are turning away from the browser and relying on applications.” I for one love applications. It’s ease of use is what gives it the most thumbs up for me. It does make it harder for competitors that are still trying to make web based designs or products for the mobile web. To me the mobile web just gets in our way. Yes you do still need your browser to google some things, but in the future this option will definitely be obsolete.

After reading “The Fierce Battle for the Soul Of Bitcoin,” I was excited. I know we are not supposed to want underworld, shady people to win, but when you see what channels these people use to get around the system you can’t help but be intrigued. Using the Bitcoin system is like being in a game or novel. It’s real, but it seems like when you use it your in a different world or like your keeping a secret. Especially when it’s only used by a certain type of business or person. The most astonishing thing about the Bitcoin is it is regulated by computers and mathematics. I like how they can envision to make Bitcoin more practical, “a cheaper, faster, and more flexible system than Visa. I don’t know how it can dictate that “no more than 21 million bitcoins will ever be created.” There are people in this world who have way more money than that amount. If billionaires are only using it for one purpose that might can work but if they are trying to integrate it into mainstream America, they will have to adjust the system. Bitcoin puts the person with the currency in total control.

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