Will Microchip Implants Be The Future Of Technology?



Jason Williams


Will Microchip Implants be the Future of Technology?


Microchip implants will be the next big thing in digital media. What are microchip implants in humans? They will be in the form of a grain of rice sized RFID “Radio Frequency Auto-ID” data collection system that would use RF waves for identifying, tracking and managing material flow. (Akash Maurya) Since the brain is based on signals, the RFID chips will act as an interface for it.


Is the microchip implant a digital? Analog? A service? An object?


In my opinion the microchip is both digital and an object. The object is the grain of rice shaped form that it comes in and what makes it digital is the tracking system. Gone are the days of having to remember passwords for your computer or electronics; all of your passwords will be stored safely and activated through your RFID chip in conjunction to whatever outlet that requires you to unlock it. Wallets as a whole will be old collectors items because all of your information is embedded in you with RFID microchip implanted in your skin. Gone are the days of waiting in lines for slow cashiers to ring up your items, you simply get your wrist scanned and automatically your total gets taken out of your bank account with ease; and credit cards? Forget about it! Those are a thing of the past; everything you need to access is digitally stored inside of the RFID chip.


In 2002 a Florida family, Jeff & Leslie Jacobs, along with their 14 year old son Derek had elected to receive the microchip implant. Due to Jeff’s failing health the family felt more secure that the chip would save dads life in a time of crisis. “It’s great what it can do, it can save a lot of lives, including my dads because he has a lot of medical problems and I want him to be around for a while,” (Derek Jacobs.) “We’re doing this as a security for us, because we’ve worked so hard to save my husbands life.” (Leslie Jacobs)


These chips are primarily used to protect Jeff and in an event that anything does happen to him, with one scan of his hand, telephone numbers as well as any medication history can be accessed on the spot. Features like this can and will be used in the future to not only save Jeff’s lives but to also save the lives of the majority if not everyone in the world. What the microchip will ultimately do is cut out the “middle man” and save people a necessity that until now was not even heard of being saved and that being time! On the verge of a heart attack or a drug overdose, medical teams will be alerted right away. Want to know the status of that hot girl or guy that you met at the club an hour ago? All that vital information can be accessed through this microchip.


Describe your audience – who is this for? Is it a product? Art installation?


Our microchip will be marketed to all human beings hover more strongly to teens since they adapt quicker to new technology and the fact that the chip can be synced to all of their electronics is going to be a major plus for them. For instance a 1500 page term paper would require no typing. The brain will send the signal to the microchip and in turn send a signal to the computer to put the exact words that will be appear on their computer screen. Adults will kind of be harder to market to because they are more stuck in their ways, especially adults that are very religious. This all comes into play with the Bible and how it speaks on “The End of Times” with the whole “Mark of The Beast” concept, but we will (not can) assure you that this has nothing to do with that. If you think back to when the first color television or phone first entered into a household, they were big, bulky and a hassle to move around. The world is going compact, big things are getting smaller, and our small microchip is only getting bigger and better!


How will you gain interest and traction for your idea?


In the state of Ohio, over half of the birthing facilities are equipped with RFID systems that don’t necessarily get inserted in the infants body but is placed on the ankle of the newborn along with a with a wristband attached to the child’s rightful mother. This is standard protocol according to Verichip spokes woman Allison Tomek. Even though infant abductions from hospitals are rare, child abductions aren’t. The New York State Department of Justice estimated that in 2013 20,124 kids were reported missing by their family with 8,003 of those cases taking place in New York City. Our microchips might not stop a complete idiot from trying to abduct a child and also being caught but there is no doubt that the amount of child abductions will be lowered drastically. This will put mom and dads mind at ease when little Jose or Julie wants to go down the street and play; it’s no different from having a low-jack on a child. Staying on the topic of facilities, we also would lobby that inmates who have been convicted of sexual crimes be tagged upon release from prison so if at anytime there is a situation that arises outside involving a child or rape, we would be able to place coordinates on them to know where they are at that exact moment. This will be to combat and ease the minds of adults that don’t think micro chipping their child is necessary. Convicted felons upon release will be given the choice on weather they would want to be a part of this new technology by voluntarily accepting the microchip upon their release from correctional facilities, but this will come with a “hassle free” acquiring of a job that fits the persons work back ground and comfortable 4 man dorm style apartment in whatever boro they either live or have acquired work in. We are the government at the end of the day so we can make that happen and New York City will be the first city to offer this. Since our microchip can monitor health patterns, there will be no need to see if 3 tablets of niacin or drinking two gallons of water a day will dilute a drug test because the brain sends the euphoric message of a foreign possibly controlled substance to the microchip alerting the positioned officials to what’s going on and subsequently sending the felon back to prison with the microchip removed from his or her possession.


What makes your project stand out among others?


What I have just explained to you stands alone due to the obvious fact that this is one of a kind. This advancement in technology could single handedly curve human behavior patterns. For example, take Jeff and Leslie Jacobs, who I spoke about earlier. Do you think for one minute that one of them would have an affair without wanting to let the other know? Definitely not! Bank statements, coordinates of both of them would be a Nano second away meaning this my friend would sway for a more truthful society.




The first pro will be “ease of use.” This will save a lot of time due to the fact there is no more reaching for an object because that “object” is a part of you and you control it. Shopping will be so easy; once you walk out of the store you have purchased the items. Say goodbye to theft “You take it, you buy it!!” Crime will go down at a faster rate, anyone that carries the chip that has a warrant will be found with no problem.




There is no way that crime will be completely done away with, even though we can track a perpetrator, how he or she wants to be brought to justice is another thing. I spoke earlier about how religion comes into play with the microchips and that is why we are going with the “Ease & Safety” approach. Even when we promote the microchip we have to be careful to not use the word “carry” or have it anywhere in our slogan due to religious reasons. Another wall that we will crash into is the fact that society will deem these microchips as a way to track them instead of just looking at the ease of use when it comes to new world technology.


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