Krystle Eugene
MCS 214
Prof. Jonah Brucker-Cohen
The Next Big Thing of Gaming

Video Games have been around for quite some time now, as we were introduced to the first ever made console “The Maganavox Odyssey” in 1972. Form since 1972 to now, the gaming world has made huge adjustments on graphics, quality, sounds, storyline, and the making of consoles. It wasn’t too long ago, when we had to sit in one spot and play video games because the game controller had to be plugged into the system. Today with technology improving to bigger and better things, we now have wireless remote controllers, which make it able for us to move freely about.

Now since gaming has come out with everything we can possibly think of, what is the next big thing? I believe virtual reality is the future; a realistic simulation of an environment, including three-dimensional graphics, by a computer system using interactive software and hardware. There, are quite a number of virtual reality games out but, not as popular yet. The most popular to be talked about, is these four gadgets I will be explaining.

(1) PRIO-VR: is designed for the gamer who demands the most realistic experience. It uses high-performance inertial sensors to provide 360 degrees of low-latency, real-time motion tracking without the need for cameras, optics, line-of-sight, or large, awkward equipment. PRIO-VR’s sensors are placed on key points of your body to capture your movements and translate them on-screen in real-time. PRIO-VR is wireless, allows for multiple simultaneous users, and will work anywhere – indoors or out, in capture spaces of any size.

(2) Cyberith Virtualizer: The Virtualizer flat base plate has a low-friction surface that enables you to walk, run, and strafe freely in every direction. As its flat, movement feels realistic, dramatically enhancing immersion. The uniquely constructed ring allows for vertical movement jumping and crouching, as well as a 360 degrees axial rotation. The adjustable harness ensures the movement through virtual worlds is effortless…you can even sit down.

(3) The Dexmo: an exoskeleton for your hand, and its built as both an input and output device. Your hand and movements can be transmitted to a computer and interpreted by software, but the software can also talk back, sending breaking signals to the exoskeleton so that it feels like you’re really grabbing on to virtual objects.

(4) The Stem System: The stem system is the next big step in Sixense motion tracking technology. It enables players to interact naturally and intuitively with games by tracking full position and orientation at all times. Its advancements include tracking performance at all ranges. The stem system will support up to five wireless motion trackers or stems for full position of tracking your head, hands, and the entire body.
Although, a virtual reality game system may seem like a pretty cool thing to have, they do have their up’s and down moments on why they will or will not be great.


• Virtual Reality redefines the idea of communication, expanding it from people you know in real life to anyone connected to the internet. This means the relationships will begin to be formed more based off interests than general location.
• Many different fields can use virtual reality to train people in a way that would usually put them at risk. This is used most notably in the fields of medicine, law enforcement, architecture and aviation.
• Those who are not able to fully experience reality, such as disabled people, could explore the virtual world and still experience a full life.
• Those who are not able to fully experience reality, such as disabled people, could explore the virtual world and still experience a full life.
• Virtual reality makes tourism and visiting easier by giving a detailed view of the original place. (ex. Virtual tour)
• Virtual reality provides a chance to experience things that are impossible in real life as if you were actually there (ex. Fighting zombies in a game)


• Those who do not have success or cannot afford this technology will be left out. Could further separate social classes in information aged based societies.
• Communication using this technology would be susceptible to deception.
• Many people may become addicted to living in these virtual worlds, and as a result forget or neglect their responsibilities in the real world.
• Technology is still developing and there are still many flaws to be worked on.
• Some people have been known to have motion sickness due to using the virtual reality headset.
• Due the fast pace development of virtual reality and online worlds, there is a lack of laws regarding these worlds. Users can say and do things in these worlds that are illegal in reality. Also, users may be less inhibited than in real life due to a sense of anonymity, and may act in a way that is socially unacceptable.

The safest age to start playing virtual reality games is 13 and up. Virtually reality video games were not intended for the audience of children. If parents do allow getting a VR equipment system for their child, they must not be left alone with equipment and must always be monitored frequently. They could hurt themselves or damage the game equipment. You must monitor your children’s behavior for any sudden negative side effects during and after use of the game product. You must stop the use of this product if you witness these signs from your child. While playing virtual reality video games, you must take frequent breaks. If you experience nausea, discomfort, eye strain, or disorientation, please stop all gaming activity immediately.

My project stands out more because it is the coolest thing out that people is hype to try. Who wouldn’t want to be in a stimulated environment that feels like you are in another realm, being sucked into another society leaving the world you live in behind for a minute. For my product to gain a widespread of interest and attraction, it must be affordable to people and create a real stimulated feeling. As we all know that technology is getting advanced and gains a lot of attention, VR games create a lot of attention mostly for educational purposes for children in the class room, making learning easy and fun and also, it is a great big help for the people in the military. People in the military use VR system as a practice tool to help them on procedures that are not practiced on regular basis and it also helps doctors to practice in the medical field.

Here is a list of a few virtual reality systems that are supposed to hit the gaming world in a few years or months to come;

OCULUS– Oculus was the initial driver in this phase of VR development, using a kick starter campaign in 2012 to fund their first model. In 2014 Facebook acquired the startup, touting it as a new communication platform. Currently available only as Developer’s Kits, a much-anticipated consumer release is planned for spring 2016. Oculus has also partnered with Samsung to create a headset that uses the Samsung Galaxy smartphone as a screen, Samsung virtual reality Gear.

FOVE– Touted as the first “eye tracking virtual reality headset,” this headset promises to take VR to the next level by following the user’s eye movements instead of relying on handheld controls to move the screen. Thus, it is promising an even more realistic virtual reality experience. According to their kick starter funding campaign, which recently fulfilled its goal of $250,000, developer kits will start shipping in the spring of 2016.

HTC VIVE– With an announced consumer release in fall 2015, this may be the first headset on the open market. HTC seems to be really focused on the cementing a lead in the gaming market and has partnered with Valve and integrated into Steam, Valve’s online gaming platform.

GOOGLE CARDBOARD– A low cost headset (made out of cardboard!) that, like the Samsung VR, uses a smartphone as the screen. This cheap VR alternative is designed for mass accessibility, especially in K-12 classes. It is being featured for Google Expeditions, teacher led field trips from the classroom.

SONY PROJECT MORPHEUS– Geared for gaming and built exclusively for Sony’s PlayStation 4 system, this headset has received spectacular early reviews. Sony is developing brand new games exclusively for the device (such as this early example). It will be featured at the upcoming Sony E3 Press Conference and is expected to ship in early 2016.

Virtual reality is definitely the future of gaming to come soon.



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