The Future of Gaming

Rayshawn Parrilla
Final Project
The Future of Gaming

Technology is improving at a rapid pace. The content that is revealed today, were not even thought about years ago. The topic of how gaming emerged over the years is tremendously extensive. Gaming today is one of the most recognized activities that is apart of human culture. Its concept centers around the unique form of human interaction as it develops a person mind, reaction and thought. Within the same realm, the objective of gaming is used as a source of entertainment. Passed down from generation to generation, a vast amount of people share the love and excitement of its fundamentals.

Before the development of electronics and technology, we enjoyed interacting with board games including checkers, monopoly, scrabble etc. This particular style of gaming was used to develop intelligence and used in a strategic form. As electronics began to rise, game systems including Nintendo, Sega and more became the start of an epidemic that would be the nuclear of society. Its features were designed to encourage innovative game playing ideas and produce a story line mode. Coming into the 21st century, our latest versions of game systems are comprised of Play station 4 and X Box 360. These particular systems displayed high tech graphics, advanced technology and a realistic story line. As technology continues to progress, the future of gaming will move on to virtual reality which will manifest into new gaming gadgets.

The next big thing in digital media will revolve around the future in gaming. Gaming has transformed from casual games, on to online games, now leading to the future of gaming in virtual worlds. Virtual reality is best known for its technology that often replicates fictitious characters and worlds that are brought to life. Virtual reality gadgets are placed on your body joints, allowing you to command and complete real life experiences as you move characters or objects in the game. Its sensors include those of visual, physical touch and the ability to hear. While using gaming gadgets, an individual falls into a trance, causing them to become isolated from the real world. Another idea of new gadgets would be taking over the gamers mind. Most people will compare virtual reality to the concept of the game system “Wii” and its motion control or the Guitar Hero’s plastic instrument.” According to the creator of Oculus Rift virtual reality headsets Palmer Luckery, virtual reality gadgets or headsets intends to give the gamer a realistic approach of visual content and was created for the gamer to feel as though they are one with the game. Its equipment is one of the largest advances and next big leap in gaming.

When applying virtual reality to gaming, it is achieved by wearing goggles head gear, body equipment and advanced gadgets. Through research, there are 3 of many types of virtual reality gadgets looking to shake up the future in gaming, the Cyberith Virtualizer, the Dexmo Exoskelton and the Prio – VR. As gamers demand more interactivity, each gadget is designed to reveal their surroundings in real time for a more immersive experience. Although each gadget provides the same virtual reality experience, each one consists of different features and components. The Cyberith Virtualizer is a gadget which focuses on blending immersion with body stability, allowing gamers to move freely within a secluded space. The technology works by placing your body in an infinite free motion ring with a sitting function and customized belt. Its integrated sensors detects your body every movement in a 360 degree axial. The gamers are able to run, walk, jump and crouch down, enjoying every virtual reality experience while gaming. The Prio – VR technology is a harness gadget almost similar to the Cyberith Virtualizer in the sense of detecting body movement within the game. Players have the ability to “witness their body moving, manipulate objects within their gaming environment and naturally interact with the artificially created world.” The Prio – VR works through sensors placed on key points of your body including your upper body, arms, legs and head in order to grasp your movement. The main idea of the harness equipment is to fully take control over your body while in virtual gaming worlds. The Dexmo Exoskelton is one of my favorites. Its unique style of technology brings the idea of sensational touch to virtual reality. Dexmo works by folding the exoskeleton gadget over the gamers hand. The objective is designed to capture your hand motion and see your own hands. As you are able to see your hands in the game, it allows you to truly interact with the virtual world. Gamers will have the ability to actually feel digital objects, move them around and determine their size. In example, while gaming, you will be able to touch the walls in your virtual world, grab the ball in sport games, or shoot a gun in games such as “Call Of Duty” or “Grand Death Auto.” This particular technology is one of the most unique gadgets in our future of gaming. For years to come, these particular gadgets will be the center of growth within adolescents.

Virtual reality opens the doors to a new level of gaming. Its content attracts men, women and children of all ages. Though numerous people globally would love to share this captivating experience, the technology and gadgets revealed maybe inappropriate for children use. The age limit set for children interacting with new gaming technology starts at 13 years of age. Virtual reality powerful graphics and real life content has the ability to influence the minds of children. New technology can change how they learn, work, play and interact with others. It creates new path ways and connections to their brains, making it difficult for them to distinguish right from wrong or differentiate reality from what is simply fabricated. On the other hand, new technology gadgets may consists of sharp edges on its equipment and no padded parts where they can actually get hurt choking themselves or bumping into objects walking around blind folded. This type of equipment may be advanced for children under the age of 13. Health issues are also a concern. After spending a vast amount of time strapped in virtual worlds, the chances of physical side effects including motion sickness, headaches, eyestrain, nausea and more will occur. Although virtual reality will attract a large audience, its use should be kept away from young children.

For years, gaming has always been a popular trend. The level of exciting experiences it attracts is extraordinary. People of all cultures, ages as well as both genders share a passion for this content, making it relatively easy for future technology gadgets to continue to gain interest. As technology progresses, gamers demand the most realistic experience. Future gadgets like the Cyberith Virtualizer, the Dexmo Exoskelton and the Prio – VR are the answers to their demands. Virtual reality gaming developers are also currently creating a wide selection of games which will spark every gamers idea of interest. The idea is to keep the consumers in tuned and satisfied. Today, gamers are looking forward to the content virtual reality has to offer and new worlds to explore. In addition, new technology will not be limited to just gaming. Virtual reality will also be available to enhance other choices of entertainment including social network, television shows, movies and entertainment within your home. While in the comfort of your home, people will have the ability to move around in 3D dimensions, experiencing live sports, live news, films etc. Not only does virtual reality have a promising future in the gaming industry but media entertainment as well.

New technology gadgets stand out due to its unique style of gaming. The future of gaming will display adventurous action which will separate its self form other gaming contents. Its tremendous level of graphics and experience will continue to advance, making it difficult for other contenders to keep up. As we look back in history, the credentials of gaming consisted of sitting in front of your television using an internal controller. This obsolete form of gaming will no longer exist in the future. In a metaphoric sense, your entire body will be considered as the controller, allowing you to behold every sensation feeling as if you were actually inserted into the game. New technology will be able to detect motion and track a user’s position from virtual reality gloves, headsets, body equipment and other sensors. Other gaming systems will not be equipped with such features and consumers will eventually lose interest. Within years to come, virtual reality will reign supreme among all gaming systems in the world.

My perspective on the gaming industry will remain superior, creating entertainment like no other. The idea of having the ability to isolate yourself from your environment will be the case of why many virtual reality gadgets will gain revenue and be successful. Virtual reality might seem futuristic, however as technology continues to elevate, so will the features in gaming. In addition, virtual reality will include various platforms, changing how we view the media, television and more.


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