Within today’s society there is constant debate over the emergence of technology and whether it provides benefits or disadvantages among individuals who use it. It’s important to note that due to the modernization of technology we as a species have been able to sustain life farther than expected. Unfortunately, due to the self-negligence of society, the beneficial composition of technology has been used for the wrong reasons. Rather than using it to improve one’s quality of life, many individuals have allowed technology to control them to the point where they are limit themselves from growing maturely, emotionally, and mentally.
Currently, we live in a generation where certain technological accessories are ranked as a necessity; similar to water, clothing, and other acclaimed essentials. Ultimately, as society modernizes, we are obligated to consciously modernize as well; as an effort to be active citizens in this technological era, we have to “keep up with the times”. As harsh as this may sound, it’s best to look at this in a more positive light. Naysayers who aggressively claim that technology limits one’s growth are currently challenged with the rise of electronic media. I believe that Electronic media such as “E-books” is the next big thing.
Books as we all may know, have played a significant impact towards our mental, cognitive, and empathetic growth. Correspondly, it’s important to note that humans are compelled towards technology primarily because of the empowerment that it gives, the power to control. Because of its range of capabilities, individuals use it as a way to become someone they want to be, to develop an escape from reality, to engage with their craft, and to become enlightened. To be entitled with such a powerful tool, leaves an individual with unlimited abilities. Wouldn’t it be resourceful to have a device that would help those who aren’t as tech savvy adapt to new technology? A device that would help those who are financially restraint to obtain literary and informative resources? Or a device that would also sustain one’s physical well-being? A device that would allow one to be more creatively in tune? For this assignment, if given the chance to develop an innovative digital medium, it would be an analog, an object and most importantly a service. I would create a “Smart book”.
Of course, book enthusiasts will probably object to the idea of a “Smart book” and view it as a hindering resource that would bring an end to the bookstore and library enterprise. While it is true that because of the rise of e-books and the vast array of web access, libraries may soon diminish it does not necessarily mean that literary development of knowledge will come to an end. In regard to the debate among “The end of books”, I feel that as long as people are diligently reading and engaging in the books content, we shouldn’t pay mind to the change of its medium. Hyperspace, although at times may appear distracting does provide the reader with a vast array of outlooks that a unilateral book wouldn’t necessarily provide.
My idea for the next big thing would be the creation of a smart book; basically adding augmented reality features to a handheld device that is shaped as a book. The name of this device would be called “ The Muse Book”. Why? Because in short, muse is defined as being the spirit or source that inspires an artist; I want The Muse Book to be looked upon as a source of inspiration, creativity and ultimately convenience. A written motto that I had in place for the product is as follows, “Engage with your mind, engage with your craft, engage with your life”. I am in awe in the concept behind E-books, but I would like to perfect it. One of my major influences for the muse book was the sub-culture behind zines. Zines are defined as being “a noncommercial often homemade or online publication usually devoted to specialized and often unconventional subject matter” (Merriam-webster). Zines which are basically self-published blog posts, gives one the freedom to freely express emotions or passions through the usage of art and writing; similarly I want The Muse book to be looked upon as an intimate accessory like a diary or collage book.
In terms of its design and technicalities, in order to keep the authenticity of a handheld book in place, the Muse book will literally be constructed as one. With the rise of foldable, flexible glass such as the up and coming flexible phone (to be released by Samsung this year) I can envision the muse book made of such medium. Unlike a tablet such as an iPad or amazon kindle, the muse book will have a multi-touch screen among its front cover, and its inner pages as you open it. This will allow one to work on various projects at once; imagine watching a video on one page while writing a paper on the other. One of its major features will include a stylus writing pen which has the ability to transfer hand-written text into hypertext. It can also shoot video, take photos, play music, and perform internet functions such as web-browsing and emailing. Evidently a massive amount of storage space will be needed to serve the content that will be saved and produce by the user; terabytes in this case would be the given memory size, varying in three distinct options (16 tb, 32tb, 64 tb). With all this storage space, the Muse Book can be looked upon of an archive of some sort where content can saved and displayed similar to a USB or photo album; a USB slot will be present.
What makes the Muse book stand out among others? It’s important to note that similar to the distinct features found among an apple device like “garage band” the muse book will also consist of exclusive programs. The Muse book will be revolutionary in a sense that it will intend on providing a service to those who long to be technologically savvy. There will be an educational program will feature modes of expertise based on your level tech savviness, ranging from beginner, Moderate, and expert. Upon set, it will configure to your convenience. Through a diligent time frame, the Muse book will ultimately become a teacher that will help those who don’t know how to surf the web or type on a touch screen. The instructor will be an intelligent assistant name muse. It’s also important to note that the muse book will be an open-source that will collaborate with authors, publishers, graphic designers and anyone who is willing to enhance HYPERSPACE CONTENT. When publishing their book in the Muse format, the authors can have a vast array of creative outlooks when illustrating their story through technological imagery. Written Stories can now have the ability to include graphics in the form or photography, video, sound, gifs etc. in its content. For those who feel the need to not include any of these extra features, there will an enable/disable option that will all them to dismiss such attractions. There will also be a creative program in place that will allow you to customize the muse book however way you please. The muse book will be an all-white display upon opening its packaging, you can put a video, photo, drawing, or anything along the cover. Every Muse book will be universally distinct from each other, given everyone’s difference in aesthetics. Given its look that was intended to conserve the authentic feel and look of a book, there will also be software that will allow one along the process of making or publishing a book. The program will feature a zine and collage creation page. Lastly, the Muse book will be noted for placing emphasis on brain training. Scheduled at whatever time frame you desire, there will be a great collection of games based on the principles of cognitive psychology to help you practice different mental skills.
How will you gain interest and traction for your idea?
Through excessive collaboration and partnership. There are already well established programs in place that will up bring the muse book to become well known and revolutionary. Wired magazine is already a well established online magazine, it;s content will fit well with the muse book. Considering that the Muse book will be have an open source app store, other magazines could emerge. Beats Music will also be a good company to partner with.
Most importantly, the muse book will fit well in a classroom setting. This is possible with the collaboration with the department of education. Nowadays, Chalk boards are becoming a thing in the past , considering that the “smart board” are replacing them. The Muse Book in the classroom will revolutionize the classroom experience. By collaborating with the smart board company, students can be able to interact and engage with a given course on the muse book that can be manipulated by the teacher among the smart board.
Ultimately, the muse book will be student friendly, and will provide services to college students who intend to save money by buying an ebook online.