The RFID is a microchip that uses radio frequency to transmit information. A human microchip is an Identifying integrated circuit device. The RFID transponder is encased in silicate glass the size of a rice grain and implanted into the human body. The microchip is implanted right under the surface of the skin. The RFID microchip device is very tiny and discrete. There is no possible way for the human eye to detect the RFID microchip once its implanted. Only when scanned will the microchip become detectable .The microchip contains a ID/ serial number similar to a social security number . Currently in the United States the FDA has approved RFID microchip as a class two medical device. RFID microchip is elective and completely voluntary. The RFID Microchip contain personal information such as medical history, allergies, and all contact information, The microchip works hand in hand with a smart device. Smart device Apps are available to people with RFID implanted microchips. These Apps will work in conjunction with the RFID microchip to store and connect all personal information. Human will ultimately become connect to one big servicer. Once this happens we can then become linked to everything from our homes, cars, and business to name a few. Although RFID microchip is fairly new to the public here in the United States implanted microchips has been around since 1998 in the United Kingdom. In 2007 NBC News originally reported all humans in America would be implanted with microchips by the year 2017. The RFID microchip was commonly referred to has a biometric reality. “Am I Who, I Say I Am” is the slogan used to refer to RFID microchip.
Animal were the first to receive this microchip. Farmer used microchip to located their farm animals. When animals went missing, the farmers were able to track, the missing animals though a implanted microchip. Another important way farmers benefitted from animal microchipping is, the chip allows farmers to monitor the farm animals health and diet . Household pets were given microchip in the late 90’s this helped straying dogs and cats to find their way back home. Some pet stores and breeders sold dogs and cats with microchip already implanted. Other pet stores/breeders strongly advised their customers of the benefits of microchipping their new pets.
Nearly a hundred thousand people goes missing each year. According to USA 83,957 people go missing each year in the United States. 50,569 are adults, 33,388 are children under the age of eighteen. 43,415 are males and 40,530 are females. These statics are very alarming to say the least .The RFID microchips will assist in solving many of the missing case crimes. Which will ultimately reduce the missing people rate, not only in United States but all across the world. The US Army can also benefit from implanted microchip. According to Brian Ressnick from the National Journal “ 83,000 American Veterans are still missing” Many soldiers and news reporters go missing during and after War. This tiny device can become the determining factor of how many soldiers and news reports makes it home to their love ones. POW will become traceable, and rescued.
Sex offenders will soon have mandatory microchips implanted into them to tract their whereabouts. Many people who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease often wanders off, and cannot find their way home . According to Bob DeMarco from the Alzheimer’s Reading room suggest there are somewhere around 30,000 Alzheimer’s patients reported missing of each year. People with Alzheimer disease will greatly benefit from the implanted RFID microchip. In these cases the RFID microchip will work as GPS tracking device.
Another great benefit of the RFID microchip is immediate access to a personal medical records in the case of an emergency. A person’s entire medical history can be retrieved by simply scanning the patients wrist or arm. This practice can save time, when someone life is on the line with little time left.
No more forgetting keys and being locked out of important places. No need for your local Locksmith. Locking and unlocking cars, homes and office are some of the other wonderful benefits of owning a implanted RFID microchips.
Waiting at Customs boarders and check points will all become the things of the past. Airports and other important Government building will offer a way for people to scan their RFID microchip without the hassle of standing in lines to provide identifications. This will not only cut time, but allow assist with public places becoming more safer for everyone.
Some of the cons of RFID microchips is how susceptible the microchip is to hacking and virus. Just like any other digital computerize device. The amount of information the RFID microchip contains is alarming to some people. The thought of walking pass someone and your complete identity is lost or stolen is a scary notion to most people. Once a person’s information is hacked their complete identity is leaked, health records, bank information, and credit information. It similar to if someone gained access to a person’s social security number, the same concept with the microchip. When personal information is compromised the system will notify the person immediately while the system tries to retrieved as much information as possible. The microchip will definitely introduce more jobs. Software update is an important part of microchips. This will also lower the risk of becoming hacked. However If the United States make microchipping mandatory, it may have a negative effect on people’s perception of RFID microchip. People tend to rebel towards change that is enforced on them. The Government is aware of this and is currently working on ways to gain the public’s trust and approval on RFID microchips. In the near future RFID microchip will be readily available to everyone. All ages, genders, and races. The UK are working towards passing a law that will one day require all newborns to have microchip implanted into them before leaving the hospital. Some people are concerned that the government may have too much control over people’s everyday life. Some people are even concerned the government may abuse the power gained by accessing implanted microchips certain group of people. The Government will also have access in controlling people’s money and food through RFID implanted microchip. The concerns are geared toward fear that the Government may use implanted microchip to invade people’s human rights The belief is minorities and poor people will suffer the most from having implanted microchip. States like Virginia legislation is in the process to stopping RFID microchips implantation.The United States Government has been known in the past to compromise the public’s personal information. Hacking is another major concern of RFID microchip. According to Jose Pagliery of “ 46% of U.S adults had their personal information exposed by hackers.” Computers are hacked daily, and sometime it is too late once the information has been retrieved by hackers.
I believe the RFID microchip will gain tractions when people start to weight the benefits of having a implanted microchips. Currently there is a family living in Florida that has already been implanted with the RFID microchip. I do believe the younger generation will more likely gravitate to the microchip faster. Due to the fact they are the generation of Technology. They have become so fascinated with Digital technology advancement. The microchip is testament of how advance technology has become throughout the years. The advancement of technology as definitely made life easier for everyone. If the microchip is pitched, in the right way, that people can see how much easier and safer life can actually become due to the RFID microchip. The concept of gaining fast and easy access are ideas that should be used to introduced the RFID microchip. People will not have the stress of carrying important documentations on them, such as medical cards, money, passport and credit cards. The social security cards will become the thing of the past. Some people have a hard time keeping up with important belongings, having the RFID microchip implanted will put an end to that problem. People with implanted microchip will just walk up to the doors and cash registers and place their wrist or arm under the scanner to gain quick easy access, and checkouts.
I do believe the older generation will become the last to approve the RFID microchips. There are currently many people who still has a difficult time adjusting to era of Digital Technology, and the major changes Technology has offered society. These people are content will the old fashion way of life, and are not easily persuaded by the advancement technology. The challenge is convincing older people to have the RFID microchip these people to get implanted microchip may be a waste of time, however the age of technology must go on with or without them.
In conclusion I believe the list of RFID microchips, goes on and on. This small little discrete devices can become the differences between life or death for many people. The need for quick easy access to all our personal information is what I believe separates the RFID microchip from any of the “Next Big waves” in Digital Technology . We live in a microwave society, and people want fast easy access. That is how the internet gained its popularity. RFID microchips can definitely offer people that easy hassle free access with a simple scan of the wrist or arm. Only time will tell if microchips will become successful Despite the major concerns of information safety , people are intrigue about the idea of this new wave of technology.