May 20, 2016 archive

Final Paper

Randy Salce Jr MCS214 Final Paper The Future of Books: The Literix Library The future of books is a buzzing topic that many book lovers have been debating for some time now. The shift from paper books to ebooks has been the recent change in the trends of the world of books. The question that …

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Final paper “RFID Microchip”

The RFID is a microchip that uses radio frequency to transmit information. A human microchip is an Identifying integrated circuit device. The RFID transponder is encased in silicate glass the size of a rice grain and implanted into the human body. The microchip is implanted right under the surface of the skin. The RFID microchip …

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The Future of Gaming

Rayshawn Parrilla Final Project The Future of Gaming Technology is improving at a rapid pace. The content that is revealed today, were not even thought about years ago. The topic of how gaming emerged over the years is tremendously extensive. Gaming today is one of the most recognized activities that is apart of human culture. …

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If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a hologram is worth a million. A Hologram “is a photographic technique that records the light scattered from an object, and then presents it in a way that is three dimensional” (Workman). Two dimensional displays are becoming boring in our world which consists of arguably, multiple …

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Final Paper: Cardsynergy

The next big thing in digital media is going to come in many forms. It could be happening right now, for all we know. Technology surrounds us these days and its capabilities have changed the way we do things. From everyday interactions, to business, to travel to finance. With the brilliant idea coming right around …

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The Future of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. Digital marketing differs from traditional marketing in that it involves the use of channels and methods that enable an organization to analyze marketing campaigns and understand what is working and what isn’t, typically in real time. Digital media …

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Krystle Eugene MCS 214 Prof. Jonah Brucker-Cohen The Next Big Thing of Gaming Video Games have been around for quite some time now, as we were introduced to the first ever made console “The Maganavox Odyssey” in 1972. Form since 1972 to now, the gaming world has made huge adjustments on graphics, quality, sounds, storyline, …

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Electronic Media Within today’s society there is constant debate over the emergence of technology and whether it provides benefits or disadvantages among individuals who use it. It’s important to note that due to the modernization of technology we as a species have been able to sustain life farther than expected. Unfortunately, due to the self-negligence …

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CARDSYNERGY– The next big thing in media and for your profession!

Jaliyah Walcott MCS 214-02W Prof. Cohen May 20, 2016 Final Project Paper CARDSYNERGY– The next big thing in media and for your profession! When you hand someone your business card, you’re giving them a small, but important introduction to who you are. It’s one of the first things a person or company gets to know …

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Will Microchip Implants Be The Future Of Technology?

    Jason Williams   Will Microchip Implants be the Future of Technology?   Microchip implants will be the next big thing in digital media. What are microchip implants in humans? They will be in the form of a grain of rice sized RFID “Radio Frequency Auto-ID” data collection system that would use RF waves …

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