Final paper: Will Microchip Implant be the Future of Technology ?

Wilfred Bevans

Will Microchips Implants be the Future of Technology?


The next big thing in digital media could possibly be microchips. Not just any ordinary microchips, microchips that are implanted into humans I’m talking full blown Bourne Identity. A quick definition of microchips implant is basically a ID device or a RFID transponder which is a device that can pick up radio frequency and transmit it, and it is implanted into the body of a human being. This microchip is the size of a grain of rice, the functionality of the microchip implant can digitize your personal identification, maybe your medical history, what medicine you use, if you have any allergies and maybe your contact information.


This experiment was not a recent development for the RFID implant has been in process since 1998 by a British scientist by the name of Kevin Warwick. But, enough background information on the product let’s get into the “nitty gritty” of why scientist and people may find this important to have or may not find this device important to have.


Is the microchip implant a digital? analog? a service? an object?


Well, I believe that the microchip implant is both a digital and an object, think of the microchip implant as a software input to a human cloud system. Why? Well because all the information on who you are will be stored in a server someone where and will allow you to access your information when needed. This device will completely put plastic to rest, we will no longer need to walk around with so much external information, information on who we are will completely become internal.


The microchip implant is here to track us; the tracker will use the RFID device to help support the functionalities of the microchip. “Microchip implants like the one pet owners use to track their dogs and cats could become commonplace in humans as shortly as 10 years” the trackers were already tested in animals with the RFID. The microchip would come with some advantages like kidnappers, this is great for little children this will help law enforcement track those who does criminal activity. The microchip will be a mandatory thing fro all children, this process could possibly start 2017 or maybe years later, they already tried this in various parts around the world. “In various places all over the world, there are individuals who open doors, start cars, and control their computers with a mere gesture of their hands or arms.” instead of making digital car keys we will be in the age where car keys are n longer needed the point of the microchip to me seems the extinction of a lot of tools/ physical support. Humans will also probably be able to control their pc and television with simple hand gestures. They already have automatic doors that can recognize homeowners and open automatically and also created apps that can help keep track of activity while people are away from their house, with the microchip implant your smart door will have a more accurate description on the people who lives at home which causes much greater security.


Some people voluntarily became testers to the microchip implant, what most of them are apart of a group that advocates the biohacking concept, the concept of biohacking was to enhance the human body. Biohacking would have potential to take the human body beyond the limits, the do-it-yourself cyber device would help enhance the functionalities your body will be able to produce more efficient. “Many biohackers also identify with a broader movement known as transhumanism” the deal with the transhumanism people believe with this tech people will be able to transform themselves through the use of technology becoming the perfect human being. The procedure that will get the microchip in the human body would be through a hypodermic needle and also with a vaccine this needle will inject the rice grain chip into the arms, wrist, or hands of the person. The chip will of course come with a different number code for each individual this way each person can be identify and people would no longer have to worry about identity theft. This will also help people stay connected with each other.


Describe your audience – who is this for? Is it a product? Art installation?


Well this design is for everyone’s use. It is a product that help enhance what it is to be human. This product is made to create a new generation of human beings; the advantages would be so valuable you would actually be losing out. Some reports say’s that the chip will be a mandatory thing to have to be a citizen, In the UK they already started implanting microchips into new born children. “to some degree the future is now, with biometric technology already being used in certain wide-scale applications” example would be the hand-scanning payment method which is another way people can make purchases with the scan of their hands. This new way of payment is being tested in the southern part of Sweden, RFID is the source of how all things work. We all already have the RFID tracker in our phones and the device keeps track of us already our movements our locations, our conversations are saved to a database even if we delete them ourselves and our pictures. Whatever information we store on our phones have been saved to other external database, and really us having microchips implanted in us would be no different.


How will you gain interest and traction for your idea?


The thought of having microchips implanted into humans will first off have to accepted by society it’s self. The older generation like myself would not approve of this change, I’m usually a person who is all for the change to make a better society however, this would be one change I will not be comfortable with. The older generation will to be uncomfortable with chips implanted in them, the older generation already are uncomfortable with the internet and the thought of the internet being on their phone. So far seems impossible to get anyone to gain interest. But, lets look at the younger populations, the younger population would love this new technology if you can incorporate it with something of their interest. “teens and younger adults will be roaming the streets while sporting cool shades, interactive web surfing and the capability to record everything around them and upload it to the internet instantly.” This is what the younger kids feed off of being interactive with their friends instantly even when they are not around each other, communication would be the key to interest and traction to the new technology of chip implants. Kids never want to be outdated with technology they will do anything to keep up with tech just as they do with fashion, the chip will be an attraction just as a smartphone. Over-time this will lead the minority who accepts the microchip into the majority the chip can become our new social security. You will eventually need this chip for government services, this chip will absolutely eliminate cash from society, there will be no need for cash when your chip can be accessed as a credit card.


What makes your project stand out among others?


This new tech is definitely one of a kind, this technology is for the enhancement of the human race and the protection of humans personal and medical information. The chip implant is a product that is meant to change society living as a whole, bringing us to the ages of Bourne Identity and iRobot.




Would make living much more convenient, humans can access whatever they want with just a wave of a hand, the chip will be able to keep children from getting kidnapped, this will also help reduced crime since everyone has a unique number there will be no mix-up or falsely accusations on any individual. Humans will be able to make purchases at their convenience no more worrying about stolen or lost of money, no longer have to worry about identity theft. This will be one of the reasons cash will no longer exist, the chip will also help reduce crime, the selling of drugs many illegal activities will be reduced. Makes health visits to doctor’s more efficient, health history, medication and insurance can be stored in the chip.




No one wants the feeling of being controlled by the Government. If society does, in fact, agree with the microchip implants and money becomes strictly digital what happen to those who are scared of change. Would we want to live in a society where humans continuously get neglected in a time of need if so, does this not contradict the point of the microchip which is making society better. Yes, an ordinary person may not be able to steal from another but what about people who can hack? What if a hacker can get into your microchip by hacking the external database that has all your information stored, or even better what if the hacker can change your identity, evil can still be done in the new society of chip implants. Jobs being able to keep track of your every movement society will no longer feel free.



When someone chip is hacked all personal, medical, and financial information could be lost, or stolen. This situation would contradict the point of microchip implant. Business should ensure safety. “when we design microchips, it’s important to tell people their safety status. When someone wants to hack your microchip, it should alert you that your information is at risk” Same as banks do when you make an unusual payment, you will be notified immediately and would have to act on blocking hackers, maybe a security app.



  1. What happens when someone hack’s your chip implant?

    1. added safety aspect towards the end check it out professor.

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