In the First article “Mashups: The New Breed of Web App” It gave me an insight to another type of mashup when the author spoke about mapping, video, shopping etc. I like the the whole idea of the shopping mashup due to the fact most of my important shopping (sneakers) is done online. In 1+1+1=3 The author spook about music mashups and how producers/DJ’s are mixing and splicing two songs together fro two totally different genres and making them sound synchronized as if that was the original song. In the Grey Album article, producer Danger Mouse got into detail about the process it took for him to mashup Jay-Z’s Black Album with The Beatles ‘Grey Album’ and also how he received a cease-and-desist letter courtesy of Mr. Sean Carter due to a protection by the name of “copyright” which leads me to believe that even though mashups are kind off they can be a nuisance and lead to trouble so it’s kind of a yes no answer when we the question arises about “If Mashups are detrimental to the new media culture.” I find the mashup media wave cool and innovative nut I do see the artists side of it if I’m looking at it from a business sense, it’s kind of like mashing up your own drink using Pepsi and throwing an in depth twist on it and trying to capitalize off of it. IT AINT YOURS!!!!. I remember Doritos and Mountain Dew had some kind of mash up soda that supposedly had the drink tasting like Doritos but I believe proper paper work and finances were in order between both companies. This seems more of a Pirate style activity. I guess like everything, if it’s for fun then no foul but when money comes into play I think everyone should be paid.
May 06