1. What was your activity? Please be specific on what you asked the class to do and what you hoped it would accomplish.
For this Class Assignment, my partner and I wanted the class to understand the impact and role an app can play in adding convenience and entertainment to one’s lifestyle. As an effort to emphasize the diversity of app development we divided the class into four groups:
(1) The first two groups were asked to create a College app, that is exclusively for C.U.N.Y and City students.
Unfortunately, inner city student lack the school spirit and interconnection needed to allow the student body to socially and mentally strive.
How will your app help students communicate and network efficiently?
Create a name for your app
Design a logo
Create Several unique features your app will supply to the students
(2) The second two Groups will design a fun creative App to get the general public more engaged in the political society.
Create a name for your app
Design a logo
Features your app will have to get the public to be more engaged.
Explain why you think your app will be a hit success
2. Did you think it was successful?
Amazingly enough, the feedback we were given by our classmates was bright and innovative.
When creating the class assignment, my partner and I wanted to in focus on matters among our lifestyle that needed to be addressed and enhanced, such as school and political engagement.
The groups came up with bold ideas such as incorporating a social media platform exclusively for college students that would include features such as rate my professor, applying for financial aid/ courses and other educational resources (a bundle in one app).
The other groups wanted to enhance political knowledge by creating an app that works among the same realms of “shazam”, by screening a candidate on TV, the app will fluently scan their image or voice and provide you with open access to their information pertaining to their morals, ideas and polls.
3. Did it achieve your implied goals?
Our implied goals were achieved, our classmates were able to identify problems among our school and political environment and the ways that an app can appropriately address them.
4. What did you learn from the experience?
We learned that as a collective, the class was able to boldly state what society needed in order to enhance a sense of community. Ultimately, apps play a significant role in adding convenience and influencing culture among society.
5. How would you take this project further as a research tool and what results would you hope to achieve?
Ideally, when given a platform to express one’s ideas…..companies or organizations that wish to engage in placing an impact among student engagement need to diligently find the right outlet to do so.
Great work on this Monica, I think it went very well!