Apps and Mobile Devices

In reading Forbes magazine’s “The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live the App” Ewan Spence states a surprising remark that surprised me. Spence stats “ users are spending more time on their devices, an average of 2 hours and 42 minutes per day up four minutes per day since last year.”(Spence) I found it interesting the fact that usage of mobile devices have increased on a yearly bases. Cell phones have no longer became a priority to just communicate, it’s main necessity is for entertainment. Spence goes on to state that users are living in their smartphone’s applications. In observing the progression of mobile devices companies tend to create applications that allow quicker and simpler access to the content they search for.

In the graph presented by Spence he depicts this idea that people are only spending 14% of their time browsing the web and 86% of their time using apps on their mobile devices. One would assume that social messaging and other entertainment sources like twitter and YouTube would be the leading sources but apps triples their daily usage. In the future applications will become a threat to these web based services.

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