The relevance of apps have never been higher than it’s current state now in digital media today. Apps serve as a channel for any source of information along with personal entertainment services; these apps can revolve around social media outlets, tv entertainment, etc. The readings The Rise of Chat Apps by Mat Honan, The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live the App by Ewan Spence, and The Fierce Battle For The Soul of Bitcoin by Robert McMillan all bring forth defining elements on the direction media is heading in thanks to the presence of downloadable applications. The general conclusion drawn is that apps are unavoidable, they’re a must have when thought of in terms of keeping up with the tendencies of our society. Most importantly, applications of many sorts allow for controlled and regulated interactions between different parties.
One of the biggest shifts in media is the prevalent use of media apps as search engines. The topic is discussed further by Ewan Spence in his article The Mobile Browser Is Dead, Long Live the App. Social media applications are a prime example of this concept in action. A vast number of individuals log into their preferred app in order to receive pieces of information/news that they would normally go to their browser to look up. In the presence of applications, the information is presented to the user in a more attractive, personal manner in addition to allowing users to easily share it with their friends. This flows into another manner in which apps are changing media, and that is the popularity of chat apps as discussed in The Rise of Chat Apps by Mat Honan. Chat applications allow for users to have a free platform in which they can interact with one another without being charged for the services of such app. This breaks down any restrictions on communication that once existed prior to the rise of chat applications; allowing for users to speak, share photos, and communicate with one another regardless of their location. One common trend being seen in the world of apps is the inclining uses of the digital platform in order to carry out real life transactions. A concept relating to this is discussed in the article The Soul of Bitcoin by Robert McMillan. Bitcoin is a service which allows users to establish a virtual currency in order to carry out everyday business transactions at an easier, more efficient rate with much less risk. Services like Bitcoin among others allow for users to eliminate the barriers of distance and difficulties of physical transactions by letting them carry out their actions online without putting them at risk of immediate danger.
The power behind the system of applications is hard to put into words really, the benefits are endless. While some individuals feel that applications somehow hold us back from technological advancement, they can not argue against the gains that come from using them. Applications give digital media users a platform to further increase their interaction(s) with other parties in regards to whatever it is they’re interested in. It allows for the flow of communication, both socially and professionally, to happen on a grander scale while at the same time expanding the room for opportunities to arise.