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The Mobile Browser Is Dead Long Live The App

It’s no surprise that people are going through mobile apps over a browser. This day and age people want instant gratification and the less clicking they have to do, the better. Out of 2 hours and 42 minutes only 22 of those minutes are spent in a browser. It looks like death of the browser will be coming very soon!

Rise of Chat Apps

This was a pretty cool ready and it pretty much made sense when they talked about how people post certain pictures that can get misconstrued, so instead of putting a picture out there for the whole world to see, you can post it solely to a group or friend of your choice to save yourself from getting into any trouble in the future for putting a picture out on social media that maybe your employer or someone following your social media page might deem inappropriate. When I was overseas in Afghanistan I would try to find out what the latest app was just so I could stay in contact with people stateside. A few days ago one of my boys told me to get whats app so that we could stay in contact while he is over seas. I also see mobile apps being good if you want to cheat on your significant other as well. You can delete the app at anytime and thats always helpful.


Fierce Battle For The Soul Of Bitcoin

First thing that stands out to me in this article is how you go by obtaining the bitcoin and how the middlemen that you must go through in this process are sometimes crooks. Overtime I hear bitcoin I always think of “hacks” and “crooks” I have a friend that deals bitcoins, or he used to, I have no idea but I remember he was making a “killing’ with it but when he hinted at me to join in I declined due to the fact I knew something was a scam.I also feel that anything that happen

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