Open source media 1

According to the article “Open Source Refers to a program in which the source code is available to the general public
For use or modification from its original design free of charge.
It has a collective effort of individuals contributing towards a common goal in a more-or-less informal and loosely structured way. This is an advantage because allows a variety of ideas and improvement quicker and easier than the traditional way. Being an open source company have many advantages like having
A software package created by thousands
Instead of a handful, they free themselves from the severe vendor lock-in that can afflict users of proprietary packages, also Open source software is generally free, and so is a world of support through the vibrant communities surrounding each piece of software. I personally think if more companies would implement the open source strategy; it would improve the company it self and the employees to grow together. The open source structure would give employees a sense of empowerment and worthiness; knowing that they’re makin some sort of contribution.

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