Open Source Media

Open Source software could be a good thing, number 1 it’s free so you don’t have to pay for it. I know that this example wasn’t brought up but I think this could be great when it comes to “Sneaker Bots” If people could collaborate on how to make a sneaker bot better and when I say “better” I’m not just talking about the aspect of securing your sneaker purchase in your cart and not worrying about it not being there when all of the web traffic to that site dies down. I do like the fact that Open Source Media is a collaborative effort and it also gives “rogue developers” the ability to create and make better instead of waiting on a large corporation like Microsoft or Apple to present us with a program that could be flawed but can only be updated solely through them. Now the bad thing about this is (And I thought about this before even reading this article) ANYBODY can alter this code or whatever. That can really mess sh*t up.

I don’t think products such as beverages should ever be opened source. I mean I remember I heard Mountain Dew had crazy flavors like “Doritos” and all that type of stuff but that was by the corporation. Imagine if you let people tamper with the ingredient here and there, that could be very dangerous. Open Source software’s downfall is that it can’t be monetized so I guess that it’s more about the love of the game over being able to lay fame to creating the latest and greatest soft ware. If I was into cpu’s and all that stuff I believe that would deter me from being involved with the whole Open Source thing because of my drive for money and I believe that there are people out there that are cpu inclined that think the same way.




  1. Hi Jason,
    Right, open source could be really good thing because its free. Everyone appreciate anything that is being offered free of charge. But one point is that, since it is relatively free, it also has less control. Any person can temper with it. But in all, I do like open source software because it has less retrictions. Great submission Jason.

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