Gloria’s response:
“Our Digital Marketing &Public Relations Group Project was very informative and engaging. The dynamics of our group consisted of Brains, Personality, and Creativity. Collectively we did an amazing job in gaining, informing while sustaining our classmate’s attention. Wilfred did a wonderful job with the Digital Marketing &Public Relations PowerPoint slides. The slides were very detailed, clear and consistent. Each Marketing term was well defined and broken down in a relatable sense. Jason did a fantastic job engaging and captivating the class while defining the terms, pros, and cons of Digital Marketing &Public Relations. He added humor to the PowerPoint presentation. I believe I did a great job with the visuals and class activity part. The twist that was later added made the activity portion more interesting to say the least. The goal of the project was to help our fellow classmates understand the key roles that Digital Marketing and Public Relations play in established a product and untimely building a Brand. Digital Marketing and Public Relations uses many different strategies to gain the publics acknowledgement and trust. The class activity allowed the students to put themselves in the position of Digital Marketers as well as a PR firm. The girls did a great job in establishing their assigned product (Wine) they really understood the needs and the demands of their target audience. The girls Digital Marketing plans/ Public Relation strategy was well throughout and put together. The guy’s products (makeup /cosmetics) was more of a challenge for them. However, they did a great job in researching their competitors. The guys were actually able to name different top makeup/cosmetics brands which showed they were aware of the need to research and understand their competitors. They also understood free gifts/incentives is a great way to gain a great relationship with clients, this is especially important for a newer cosmetic line. In the group activity there were no winner or losers, overall everyone did an excellent job!”
Thanks Gloria !
Visual Content:
I loved it! Great work guys.. Touch of Love is classic….