April 3, 2016 archive

Digital Media

For the first article “How Internet Marketing will affect various industries in 2015” I do agree that social media is the most effective way to build your brand and get it out there amongst the masses. For example “Check out my channel Mr Orchard Beach on Youtube and hit that subscribe button!” No but seriously if …

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Open Source Media

“Commons-based Peer Production and Virtue” the author spoke on the importance of open source. The great thing about open source is that no singular person owns it, it is a collection of people who have a common goal and giving contributions to that goal. One of the biggest Operating systems is Linux, free software has …

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Post Digital Marketing & Public Relations Group project by Wilfred, Jason and Gloria

Gloria’s response: “Our Digital Marketing &Public Relations Group Project was very informative and engaging. The dynamics of our group consisted of Brains, Personality, and Creativity. Collectively we did an amazing job in gaining, informing while sustaining our classmate’s attention. Wilfred did a wonderful job with the Digital Marketing &Public Relations PowerPoint slides. The slides were …

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