How does marketing shift in the digital world? As technology begins to advance, the spectrums among the internet does as well. As this occurs, companies become more diligent in promoting their products as we travel along the web, use our phones, and sign into our social media accounts. Ultimately advertising is vast…and a bit intrusive.
As seen in this quote “Companies, unlike diseases, can use standard advertising methods to create potentially enormous seeds. If the initial seed is big enough, then even if R is less than 1, the burnout process will persist for multiple generations, thereby reaching many additional people.”
As seen in this quote “Companies, unlike diseases, can use standard advertising methods to create potentially enormous seeds. If the initial seed is big enough, then even if R is less than 1, the burnout process will persist for multiple generations, thereby reaching many additional people.”
Companies are going above and beyond to ensure that ads become lifelong and almost like a disease.
I feel ads are intrusive as well and living surrounded by ads affects your subconscious mind.