Digital Marketing and Public Relations

Marketing strategies over the few years have twisted from its traditional way to that of digital marketing. Digital marketing has become a top priority for marketers. “According to a survey of marketing executives by Gartner, Inc. The survey also found that marketing budgets increased 10 percent in 2015, with 61 percent of respondents saying they expect budgets to increase again in 2016”.

The use of the internet plays a monumental role in this paradigm shift Marketing. In Forbes, John Rampton in his article “How Internet Marketing Will Affect Industries in 2015” made several vital points as far digital marketing is concern. He acknowledges the fact that, “…the internet landscape continues to change, so will the marketing practices regarding SEO, paid advertising, organic search, content marketing, social media interactions, and more”. There are no doubts marketers have taken a great advantage of the internet as a medium to advertise their products to its consumers and yes, as John Rampton already mentioned, businesses refusing to taking advantage of this era of digitization, may negatively be affected marketing wise.

Again, the article “Viral Marketing for the Real World” by Duncan Watts and Jonah Peretti also made a fantastic point about the viral marketing strategies whereby one person or few persons spread an idea or marketing product with less seeds but eventually spreads all over (epidemic). I strongly believe in this approach but my main concern is that, a thorough research should be done on this approach. Its not surprising this technique failed on several attempts on other products over the years.

Jeff Bullas’s “5 Key Viral Marketing Tactics Proven to Work” pretty much touched base with how viral marketing tactics rapidly circulate so widely from one Internet user to another (like virus or infection). I my opinion, viral marketing or advertisement strategies should be made lively for consumers to really get into it. As he mentioned, some public figures or celebrities like Katy Perry could be used for ads. Attached is an image I found quite interesting sharing.

Technology in the hands

Technology in the hands


Reference Retrieved March 31, 2016




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