
Marketing has shifted the digital world by use of the Internet, consumers becoming involved in the advertisement of products and techniques that can help a product go viral. Companies are looking for more efficient ways to sell products.

The article “How Internet Marketing will Affect Various Industries in 2015” gave insight into the key aspects of marketing on the Internet. Marketing on the Internet is important because it increases brand awareness. Having a presence on social media “makes your brand seem real and accessible while encouraging brand conversation about the products and services.” For up and coming entrepreneurs the Internet makes it easy to display your products to clients. Internet marketing could turn unknown products into household names.

The article “Viral Marketing for the Real World” is about companies using consumers, or fans of their ads, to help with start the conversation about the advertisement of the product. I believe this is a good idea because if the product is useful consumers will tell other consumers. For example, I’m a “foodie,” I enjoy eating something new for the first time, and I often use Facebook to repost popular or trending restaurants. When someone enjoys something they often want to share it with their friends.

The article “ 5 Key Viral Marketing Tactics Proven to Work” contains information on techniques to help your company’s advertisement campaign go-viral. Media that often goes viral are usually interesting, funny or entertaining. I believe one of the best techniques to make media go viral is to attach a celebrity or known figure to advertisement. Consumers like to see something old when they’re discovering something new. The article mentioned Katy Perry “because each Katy Perry video contains a key message: buy my album”. The consumers assume they’re just watching a Katy Perry video and it’s also an advertisement for hero her album.

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