The Internet and Social Media

The prevalence of the use of the internet in our world today is really incredible. The internet is becoming one of the fastest growing medium as far as free flow of information globally is concern. Third world countries like my own country Ghana, not too long ago lacked access to high speed internet. Today, the swift growth of the internet has been very impressive in the country (Ghana).

Internet service providers and telecommunication networks, have internet services for its customers at affordable rate or for free. Thus, the use of internet does not only help in the socio-economic growth but also, the free flow and sharing of information around the globe. Notwithstanding, there are also hitches here and there that seems to be affecting the growth of information technology (internet). As Fred Vogelstein says in his article “The Great Wall of Facebook”, internet has given each and everyone or businesses a fare opportunity to compete among each other. At the end, the smartest wins. For example, Facebook and Google are in a keen competition just to win consumers or majority of customers to take the lead. Issues like this affects young business to compete with already established businesses.

This week readings sum up to the fact that, the world is being globalized. What we use to do in the year 2015 has been improved in 2016. Whether the emergence of the internet is good or bad, it is the wheels moving the entire world as far as sharing of information is concern in our daily lives. But, one of the greatest issues users of the internet should put into consideration is that, whatever information or item being posted online, technically it cannot be erase. Therefore, it is really imperative especially for the youth to be mindful of whatever they post on social media like Facebook etc. Jeffrey Rosen in his article “The Web Means the End of Forgetting” throws more light on issues like this and I think personally, I see it as food for thought for all internet users.








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