Rayshawn Parrilla
We are living in a modern world where the Internet has a tremendous impact on our culture. Within the years, digital revolution has expanded and technology has taken over our computers, smart phones as well as the lives of many people. Social media is one of our biggest trends on the internet. I refer to it as the “New Herion” of 2015, considering its strong addiction. Powerful and influential, many people feel obligated to be part of the online social networks.
Facebook is a social network part of your average individual’s daily lives. “According to the article “Great Wall of Facebook,” more than 200 million people have a Facebook account. Along with other social networks including Twitter and Instagram, many are pressured into this virtual lifestyle. It’s metaphor symbolic to the idea of fear. People may think, they are missing out as they need to be part of every life experience. The effects of being online also promote “internet users to behave differently.” Individuals assume they must live up the high expectations of social media and anything less of them is not accepted.
In addition, the internet is a world where everything is recorded. All conversations, photos etc, you ever posted will be stored into digital files. The internet forgets nothing and makes it impossible for anyone to forget their past history. Being online also intends to violate people privacy. While most social networks require your profile to include your birthday, address and pictures, your personal information is revealed to the world. Although many people online are social, not everyone intensions are good. The invasion of others privacy online can attract stalkers as well as promote cyber bullying. In 2015, Online and social media may not be as social as people think.
It is evident, while most people spend a numerous amount of time online, it can lead to disturbing effects in your life. The internet distinguishes the difference between a person real world and virtual world. Although the objective of being online was to keep social people interacting with each other, as of 2015, social media and online portrays many meanings. While most people consider it a strong form of communication and entertainment, its content can also result to invasion of your privacy as well as people behaving differently.