Today’s society operates heavily through online interactions. Any service you can think of has some online presence, including things like social media, video games, or the internet itself. Since the introduction of the online universe, including the internet we as a generation have come a long way from what it originally was. The biggest trend we’re seeing now is the impact social media is having on individuals and how it affects their online behavior.
The presumption used to be that the only demographic that the internet appealed to was young adults or teens, but that has not been the case the past recent years. When you think of who is actively “online” and communicating with others nowadays you see users of all ages and backgrounds equally invested in their online personas. When you think of the activities that online individuals engage in they’re pretty much endless and including sharing of media, conversating, running a business, etc. While many do engage in some sort of online activity, other users don’t or use their online experience as a knowledgeable sponge in order to gather information and stay updated. Everyone is online in some way shape or form, it’s impossible to not be especially with all the technology/digital access that exists today, thanks to products in our schools, jobs, and homes. Individuals do have control of whom they keep in contact with, some choose to neglect that option and keep their online life private, so no not everyone is openly social but they are still part of the million online users. The online universe is only continuing to grow with each passing day, as does its number of users.
Cell Phones alongside other handheld devices are the direct cause for the online universe being as big as it is at the moment. Apps play a huge role in keeping users engaged in online services, whether they are aware of it or not. In essence, pretty much anyone with access to any of these devices can be considered an online user because of the online interactive necessities that must happen to operate such a device. When thought about from this perspective it is safe to say that yes, everyone who is online is social in some way, shape, or form.
Mar 18